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I haven't spent much time configuring my editor, mostly just whatever exists as plugins. But looking at I got some tool envy. In that part Juan Monetta tells his emacs to Java decompile, and then disassemble a form. Also has some profiling and linting there. All without changing the source, which is what I do currently. What would be the sensible way to get something like this working on vim? For now I'm using conjure with neovim
Bonus points for the menu that shows the options, since I likely would forget whatever fancy shortcuts I would make for anything I don't use weekly, if not even daily
menu showing options:
this is pretty much a direct port of the emacs thing seems to be what was loaded, though I'm not at all versed with elisp
pretty sure its which key is what being used to show the menu:
as for the decompilation, i use as a dependency in the dev alias in deps edn and call via the REPL. maybe there is a way to bind it to a key in conjure
Yeah, something that would let me evaluate the form inside another predefined form would be needed, and I could then write the usual stuff I now copypaste into the source when needed hm, perhaps modify the opts in the right way, or just make different versions of eval-str
@U38J3881W could have knowledge to drop here maybe 🙏:skin-tone-5:
also for the decompiler in emacs, seems to be used. could look at the way its sending stuff?
Apart from the emacs wrangling, seems to build a string and send it wrapped as the right kind of op to nrepl
yep, something similar is needed for conjure. not sure of its config options at this point
I guess it either means learning how to work with lua and neovim, or perhaps how to extend conjure with fennel
yeah, hence hoping that Olical could have some points!
> something similar is needed for conjure But as I understood Olical didn't want to hardcode CIDER middlewares into Conjure. I implemented this plugin which does that for tests: If you can figure out how Emacs does it then I could have a PR or something. I don't have a good PR workflow for that plugin so I don't yet know how useful my suggestion would be. I think Conjure is about integrating with many languages, not about a deep integration with a single one. So this is why he didn't want to hardcode the JVM middleware and instead implemented his own test runner and parser. Or he just did the parser and didn't want to reimplement it again once I made my plugin to add onto Conjure. Also NREPL way doesn't work for CLJS. 🤷 For instance I have this function that I sometimes use: So there is no problem to add more if you already have the dependencies into your dev profile of your project.
I really liked the bit where he clicked one button and outputted a flame graph. That one was really good
But does this have anything to do with cider middleware? The middleware is already running in the nrepl server, and the question is just how to fiddle with the code that is sent to be evaluated (by wrapping it with extras)
> and the question is just how to fiddle with the code that is sent to be evaluated For instance the debugging bit is delving deeper into that middleware but it's somewhat implemented but I didn't try it. But then there is no such middleware for CLJS and CommonLISP. And then Olical would need to maintain it too. At this very moment I'm implementing the oneliners that produce flame graphs into my own plugin because I don't want to wait until Olical would add them :thinking_face:
At least I could make a modified copy of the eval-str function that does the string modification before passing the opts, but I need to think if there's a way to neatly tie that with the existing <ll>er, <ll>ee etc commands
Hm, ok. Hadn't thought about debugging yet. Running criterium, async-profiler etc is pretty straightforward
I sure wouldn't mind, if your additions would offer that, and I could go back to just loading plugins!
> I could go back to just loading plugins I'll simply add them as functions. You'll not need to use the test functionality to use them. I'll do it like this (this one already works but I want to add all of them):
(defn criterium-quick-bench! []
;; Source:
(.. "(do (when-let [add-libs (requiring-resolve ']"
" (add-libs {'criterium {:mvn/version \"0.4.6\"}}))"
" (require 'criterium.core)"
" (criterium.core/quick-bench " (get-current-form-content!) "))")))
Then you'd simply bind them to what you like.
If Olical would like this to be part of the main plugin then he'd only need to copy the code into Conjure as it's the same Fennel source.> That requires the special branch instead of release of tools deps alpha, right?
It requires add-deps3
BUT requiring-resolve
returns nil
if there is no such function 🥳
So no problems here. It will simply crash and should probably show errors.
> get-current-form-content!
(defn get-current-form-content! []
(a.get (extract.form {}) :content))
Hm. Reading the code at but it's a bit beyond me. Don't know when opts.root is set etc. But no matter, I don't have very specific requirements, so I'm sure I'll be happy with it
And if I'm not, then I guess it's time to really start learning how conjure and aniseed works, since I don't really want to use lua either 😉
> but it's a bit beyond me I didn't even do that. I used what Olical did. I needed the current form somewhere so I found what he used in his code. I don't really have a nice test and src separation in my project (my tests are in comments) but that doesn't matter as it's simply a large hack and I don't care 😄
Opening a simple firefox is so hard in lua... why did they do this... I simply wanted to get stderr and stdout... 😞 Without hardcoding any fancy shell oneliners that redirect all of it around. I'll do this and won't care about success output then:
bad-command 2>&1 1>/dev/null
The answer sounds pretty reasonable; it's not that they did that, they just didn't do much at all and went with absolute base level of C api functionality
> Surely in the last 9 years someone has made different api too?
io.fopen returns a single pipe, then I can use
to close that pipe and then I get one true
as a result. I should get [true output err-code]
but for some reason I can't get it in Fennel. I'm not sure why. Probably I don't know some syntax.
I can download it... but should I require it to be downloaded? I don't think I want this. Oneliner it is:
`which open 2>/dev/null || which xdg-open 2>/dev/null` "file:///tmp/clj-async-profiler/results" 2>&1 1>/dev/null
Yeah, the whole luapower seems to be something else entirely… "Luapower is a binary+source module distribution for and and a way of deploying and sharing Lua modules." and deprecated too
I'll have two functions. One for executing the profiler and another to open the directory of results.
Unfortunately I had to add try-catch
to the resolving-require
😄 So it wasn't just nil
But there they are:
Open the readme to see how to bind them.
Did you make that screenshot as custom work, or do you have something that shows the keybinds?
> Did you make that screenshot as custom work, or do you have something that shows the keybinds?
Plug 'folke/which-key.nvim'
I bound the key bindings the same way as my README suggests and then I pressed <localleader>f
i.e. <localleader>fc
executes :CcaFormClass
This is my setup for which key:
lua << EOF
require("which-key").setup {
plugins = {
marks = false,
registers = false
presets = {
operators = false,
motions = false,
text_objects = false,
windows = false,
z = false,
g = false,
show_help = false,
-- your configuration comes here
-- or leave it empty to use the default settings
-- refer to the configuration section below
and the beginning markers are needed because I use this as a snippet inside Nvim's init.vim file directly without any other files.
I didn't like some of which-key's defaults so I disabled them. It's sometimes distracting.I'll have to consider switching to fennel based configuration, if I'm doing some larger changes anyway at the moment. looks like a handy intro. Honestly I wasn't in lua based config either, yet, so might go with that kind of snippet too in init.vim
I didn't bother with any config migration because I'm lazy 😄 My config tries to be pretty light and I already have 916 lines of vimscript with quite a bit of Lua chunks. My old vim config was very small but when I came from Spacemacs to Nvim I configured a lot of things and Lua code is very long in lines. I was unhappy that Spacemacs + evil mode can't do vim motions in all its windows. This is why I switched. I didn't need much of the functionality of CIDER. I used it on a basic level :thinking_face:
I had a typo in my function name. Fixed now.
CcaFormDisasssemble -> CcaFormDisassemble
Woah, long thread! Sorry for the slow reply, I've seen the notifications flying by but haven't had the time to look. (I'm in the run up to a move at the end of the month and lots of other life things going on, so time is hard to come by right now) So I'm open to adding more mappings to the Clojure client specifically that invokes ops in CIDER middleware, that's totally fine. I don't mind one client having some features that others don't have really, I treat Clojure as the first class client, the others are "best effort" since Clojure is the language I dogfood and have the most knowledge about / investment in. I leave the other clients up to the enthusiasm of their respective communities (after I get initial support working sometimes). A mapping that invokes some decompile nREPL op shouldn't be too hard to implement, it'll be very similar to some existing mappings inside the Clojure client. Feel free to open an issue describing the functionality and any info you can gather such as what op is required. All op calls are wrapped in a "maybe" guard that will fail cleanly if the op isn't present in the nREPL. I won't go injecting dependencies and middlewares on behalf of the user yet, but I will call ops if they exist and ignore them if they do not. I also apologise if I've said otherwise in the past, but this is my current stance on it 😅 I may have changed my mind since I last thought about these things. Also, having a 3rd party plugin that adds FAR more CIDER features on top of the Clojure client is a perfectly good situation. It allows other people to add and maintain that extension, growing it without the need for me gatekeeping commits as and when I get time. I really want to encourage 3rd party plugins / extensions / mods for Conjure that add stuff like this, but I'm still open to adding them to the core.
I'm biased, but I massively prefer Fennel + Lua to elisp 😛 (mostly because Fennel smells like Clojure and I already knew some Lua stuff)
Conjure's internal libraries include all the code required to: a) Create mappings b) Manage config values and defaults c) Extract code from under the cursor, either the current form or the root form d) Send code to an nREPL for eval e) Send non eval ops to the nREPL to perform other actions f) Async await the result of that op execution and print some sort of output to the log (the primary and only real UI for the plugin) So all of the building blocks are there to add this functionality. It'd mostly be a copy/paste/rename/edit exercise, not breaking new ground as such which is good news. I think we should get issues created with as much context as possible with all of the required nREPL ops. A pass over the client to add a bunch more ops could be fun if done all in one sweep. I still need to create my debugger DAP project to handle all of the debugger ops... I keep putting that one off.
@U38J3881W For me the outcome of this thread was this: It's possible to add these into Conjure, it would be a copy-paste. It could also be a third library...