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I’ve been away from the (intersection rdf clojure) world for a while … what do y’all prefer to use these days for accessing SPARQL endpoints? (AGraph at the moment, but probably need to be adaptable to e.g. Neptune)


Not sure what you’re asking… You say “accessing SPARQL endpoints”; but seem to then mention triplestores, so do you mean hosting SPARQL endpoints?


the clojure curse of “is it stable or abandoned” 😛


i appreciate the discussions on RDF here. what i’m wondering is, is this channel the most-active discussion forum for RDF at the moment, or are there other venues i should hook into? (for myself, as well as my colleagues, who i’m bringing along a RDF journey)


I’ve no idea… but this forum is probably the most active place for the intersection of clojure and RDF. For general RDF forums I’m not really aware of any good ones (beyond our own private work channels), there are of course the various w3c mailing lists etc, but they’re typically pretty quiet

👍 2

@peter.royal I don’t actually know. For the Clojure space, I think so?


agreed on Clojure; several of the recent discussions haven’t been terribly Clojure specific, which is part of what made me wonder


The channel was created back in 2015 by joelkuiper, after he and I were DMing a lot about RDF topics, which could have easily been public; though I’m not officially an admin or anything I’d consider general RDF (non clojure) discussion totally welcome and appropriate. Particularly given that there are few other active public places to discuss RDF


thanks for the historical context!


Most of what I’m doing at the moment is data oriented. So I’m using Clojure for parsing data and generating TTL, or for parsing TTL (that latter one isn’t for work… yet). When I’m doing SPARQL I’m usually using a dashboard (GraphDB or Stardog) or else curl


👍 good to know! i’ve been eying stardog, but GraphDB is a new one to me i’ll check out.


@quoll same for me, though my usage is more creating custom dashboards so I need more control. I guess I can always just write some wrappers around the SPARQL REST interface… which has the advantage of being easily testable using curl 😛