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Hey! I have an issue with vim-fireplace. I can successfully :Connect to my nrepl server, but whenever I try to execute another command like :Eval fireplace throws an exception saying that the connection was refused (`E605: Exception not caught: Fireplace Python exception: [Errno 111] Connection refused`). Any ideas? I'm running the latest version of neovim (0.3.7) and all health checks pass, and the latest version of vim-fireplace.


by default, fireplace will look for an .nrepl-port file and attempt to connect to the port specified in that file. (when you start an nrepl, it writes that file out into the current directory) so the first thing i would try is specifying the port of your nrepl explicitly, e.g. :Connect 12345


to try and rule out fireplace using the wrong port


ah, sorry I should have been more clear but I specify the port when I connect:

Protocol> nrepl
Host> localhost
Port> 4002
Connected to  


ok, i've got nothing then 😄


have you ruled out that other things can connect to the repl?

👍 4

It sounds like you have the wrong port :)


4002 would be a little unusual for an nrepl port


ah I run multiple nrepl servers for different projects and map them to differenr ports so 4002 is correct 🙂


@snoe the clojure-lsp work looks great. This is exactly what i was looking for. To have static analysis like Cursive in conjunction with using a simple socket repl in the build in nvim terminal is perfect.

❤️ 4
👍 4

ah I run multiple nrepl servers for different projects and map them to differenr ports so 4002 is correct 🙂