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maybe look at the network request payload to see what the server is sending the client?
make sure you’ve cleared any browser cache
not that this sounds like that kind of problem
I gotta head out though. But I have verified that develop dev build worked for me. I build the support and dev build, then loaded it from the server port (which the server says when it starts). Nothing works right if you don't do that, though 😉
@jonystorm did you get it working?
Nope, I thought it might be datomic edition, since I have pro, but I keep getting the same error message
I added
:repositories {"" {:url ""
:creds :gpg}}
so it finds it, and it does but when I run the app it’s the same resultso, your usage sequence is: 1. Start the regular app 2. Play with see server accepting remote changes 3. Submit a support request via Help with a message 4. Copy the ID from the server log 5. Start the support viewer with that ID right? No pauses or restarts in the middle anywhere
I see stuff like this in my app-state:
[:sale.issue/by-id 17592186045605] {:ui/fetch-state
Which is wrong I think this is fixed in 0.8.1 but this one is not released yet1. I run JVM_OPTS="-Ddev -Dtest -Dsupport" lein run -m clojure.main script/figwheel.clj
2. once it finishes I run (on another console) lein run
and when ready (go)
3. go to
play with it, all changes ok
4. submit support request via help with message
5. copy the id from server log
6. open new browser tab on
and get that error, no restarts no pauses
@mitchelkuijpers try snapshot and let me know
@tony.kay totally fixes it awesome
@jonystorm Did you actually play with the app between 3 & 4
If not, there are no steps saved...the iseq message is basically saying there is nothing to play back
At the figwheel prompt, maybe try (reset-autobuild)
and make sure you've got a good build?
Also, if you can show me (via the network tab) what is coming over the network when you try the support viewer, it would be potentially enlightening
The snapshot seems to break something else related to loading markers
Hm. bummer. let me know what you're seeing. The merge for ident-based remotes was wrong (and still has a problem). Could be related. If you can quantify that more, it would help
Sure I am going home now but I will check it out tommorow
It seems something todo with lazily-loaded
But the other bug is fixed ^^
I tried firefox and safari, disabling chrome plugins and it’s the same result.. regarding the response, on the support view I’m not getting any transit+json response, no requests to the api, the response to the support.html request is the html that loads the support.js
I cannot even guess what is going wrong for you. If you're not seeing an API request, then it means it isn't even figuring out the URI...that makes no sense
my guess is that the error breaks execution so it doesn’t even try to send those api requests
you're getting a 307 from your localhost, which almost always means you've got some screwy OSX thing installed that is messing with localhost connections
but I’ve just checked on firefox (where I’m getting the same error) and shows no internal redirect
Testing on 2 other pc’s.. both same error, one of them has the 307 redirect, the other doesn’t. We will keep testing and share if we get it to run correctly. Thanks for the concern
the 307 should not be, figwheel does try to connect on the generated js. I assume figwheel is still running
I imagine that if I get the “new support request id” it is because it’s returned by datomic and it is saved..
right.. so the error is because of the missing api request, there’s something preventing it, and it’s not the error
could you use quicktime to screen record, doing the following: 1. Do everything up to the support.html?id=1001 bit 2. Make sure network dev tool is open 3. scroll slowly through the list of resources loaded (so I can pause and look)
then maybe use handbrake to drop the video to mp4 and 5fps (so it is small) and send it to me?
looks like a bug in 0.8.1-SNAPSHOT (load markers are messed up). Using an older version of client fixes it (todo mvc)
Something goes wrong with the replacement of tempid's with follow-on reads after mutations
And I seem to have to add a extra key to refresh 0.8.1 to make sure a certain key is re-read after a load finishes
But fixed it by adding a extra refresh key (so maybe a user erro)
Ow lol this is not hipchat
Ah but it worked on 0.8.0
I thought that was removed on 0.7.0
I'll see if I run into that some more
I am looking into where the follow on read tempid-replacement might go wrong
Hmm I am doing a mutation and then a separate df/load
in one function maybe that is problem
Yeah that is what I thought
Yes they are
This seems correct:
[2609.067s] [] transacted '[(sale/link-issue {:issue-id "10103", :sale-id 17592186045629, :issue-link-id <#C06DT2YSY|om>/id["3fe6d980-7792-40a6-a6ea-796a13608702"], :funnel-id 17592186045568}) [:sale/by-id 17592186045629]], #uuid "a6f5904c-ccf2-40c0-a4f6-6019788c591d"
console.js:203 [2609.073s] [] transacted '[(untangled/load {:remote :remote, :refresh [], :parallel false, :fallback nil, :marker true, :post-mutation nil, :without #{}, :post-mutation-params nil, :target nil, :query [{[:sale.issue/by-id <#C06DT2YSY|om>/id["3fe6d980-7792-40a6-a6ea-796a13608702"]] [:db/id :ui/fetch-state :sale.issue/issue-id {:sale.issue/funnel [:db/id]} :sale.issue/issue [:key {:fields [:issuetype :project :assignee :status :summary :priority]}]]}]}) :ui/loading-data], #uuid "b6ff70e3-b94d-416f-b5d3-a20bc812535f"
but the #om/id["3fe6d980-7792-40a6-a6ea-796a13608702"]
never get's replaced while the remote sale/link-issue returns the correct response:
["^ ","~$sale/link-issue",["^ ","~:tempids",["~#cmap",[["~#om/id","~u3fe6d980-7792-40a6-a6ea-796a13608702"],17592186045645]]]]
So I think is a regressioncause that would be the networking upgrade not remapping over the network queue, and that was an earlier release I thought
Yes it works in 0.8.0
I'll try it once more just to be sure
one of the patches was to add support for more custom options when creating client. I suspect something is broken there, and some plumbing isn't in place
Yeah the sequential option might be related
Almost restarted the app so I can be sure
Yes it works on 0.8.0
frustrating...I cannot reproduce the errors in todomvc no matter what I try, but they work on older version as well.
@jonystorm Any chance you could re-try with 0.8.1-SNAPSHOT. I suspect perhaps I didn't push an update to clojars? Same with @mitchelkuijpers
Sure I'll try
@tony.kay Still broken here
:reconciler-options {:migrate nil
:pathopt false
:shared {;; Take absolute positioned elements in account for resizing
:resizing/abs-pos-elems resizing/absolute-positioned-els-on-screen}}
migrate is nil
@mitchelkuijpers I'll dig into the other bits...the parts that seem broken are: 1. tempid rewrite on net queue (or possibly ordering?) 2. some kind of load marker thing
The load marker thing seems to work (for my case)
The ordering seems correct because the calls go in the right order
The tempid rewrite seems to be my only issue
Hello! I am just getting started with untangled 🙂 Is meant to be cloned to get started or is it somehow available as a lein template?
we have a few too many resources to maintain, and lein templates are kind of pain with little gain
I also noticed there is bin/ Is it intended to be run just after cloning?
yes, though it required a weird version of sed...I think that has been fixed. Try it..worst case you have to use git to undo 🙂
@mitchelkuijpers just out of curiosity: Do you have a custom network handler?
We added an extra protocol, that if not implemented, caused network requests to go in parallel. I'm fixing the default back to sequential.
@gardnervickers @jasonjckn I think one of you were asking about load overwriting UI attributes. Found that problem and fixed in 0.8.1-SNAPSHOT
@tony.kay Oh thanks so much!