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I am using MaterialDesign “react-native-material-design” in clojurescript react native. For toolbar we have default color white. I would like to change the toolbar text color. I have used title-color properties. It is not working. Can anyone help ?


@viveke Show your code


style.cljs :toolbar {:position "relative" :title-color “#000000” :background-color “#ffffff”} view.cljs [ui/toolbar {:title “Dashboard" :style (get-in st/styles [:toolbar]) }]


@viveke :title-color is not a css property so it should probably be on the same level as :title and :style


Hey I have trouble installing re-natal app on iPad (even though new template installs ok) subsequent installs seem not to update the bundle. Here are steps I do: 1. lein prod build 2. (XCode): Cmd + > -> Release 3. Pick iPad -> Run I tried to copy just the source code (I don’t use any native third party components) into fresh template (`re-natal init`), but I still get the initial example bundle after running steps above. What am I missing? Did you have similar issue? Thanks in advance! (FWIW: I’m using re-natal —version 0.3.3)