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@cgrand this is more of a conceptual question than a technical one... In the case of an editor like emacs where you can send interactive evaluations from a working buffer to the socket REPL, would you send those through the user conn or the aux conn?


@volrath it depends on what you want to achieve. I personally would like to have evals from a buffer part of the repl log (together with nice persistent logs).


so then I would send over user


if your UX is different I would use another connection (maybe a dedicated one)


@cgrand yeah that's what I thought, and that's what I'm looking for as well.. just wanted to confirm with you in case I was missing something.


> @cgrand this is more of a conceptual question than a technical one... In the case of an editor like emacs where you can send interactive evaluations from a working buffer to the socket REPL, would you send those through the user conn or the aux conn?


In CIDER we use the user conn for this. The idea is that we shouldn’t make a distinction as to where some evaluation originated from, as long as it came from the user evaluation application code. Everything else goes to nREPL’s equivalent of a aux (we call it tooling) connection.


yep, seems like the sane approach to this


Just re-discovered that since cljs is sometimes read by clojure reader, regexes can’t have non-java patterns...


I don't follow


it has to be both java & js compatible at what time?


even if you are in a conditional branch for cljs, cljs/jvm uses the clojure reader so #"[^]+" can’t be read


in my case it’s just some code in lumo (so never going to run on the JVM) but the compilation uses cljs/jvm etc.


Oh that sucks.