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If want to use specter to replace the nth value in deeply nested array, is there a better way to navigate to that value than using (srange x (inc x))
Ideally I’d like to be able to transform the value there, or put in default if it doesn’t exist
@conaw: there's a custom nth-elt
navigator in the wiki at
I don't know of a better way to do it, personally
under the hood it does basically what you said
if you want default element behavior, you could modify it to do that
@conaw by array do you mean vector? if so, I believe (keypath 3)
ok, here’s a question, it seems that I can substitute a value into a vector using setval , but if I want to use sp/END i have to have it wrapped in a seqable, so couldn’t insert it in in a flat way, is there a way I might get around that
(setval [(sp/if-path (sp/must 3) (sp/keypath 3) sp/END)] :newd [:a :b :c :dd])
=> [:a :b :c :newd]
(setval [(sp/if-path (sp/must 3) (sp/keypath 3) sp/END)] [:newd] [:a :b :c])
=> [:a :b :c :newd]
basically, in assoc, if I assoc to the size of a vector, I conj onto the end, I’m looking for a similar behavior here
@conaw: I think you can do [END (keypath 0)]
@codonnell: sorry for disappearing last night, I ran the benchmark with (sequence (comp ...) %)
substituted for (->> % ...)
and it actually came out faster, 97ms vs 110 ms
Does (comp ...)
take some time to initially build up the transducer?
@aengelberg: yes, most noticeable when operating on relatively little data
@aengelberg: the benchmarks I pasted before show a large performance difference between "precompiling" the transducer and doing it inline