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I noticed a while ago, that after I (re-)start Spacemacs and I then load perspectives from a file (that I saved before quitting Emacs) it takes a long time (many seconds, even minutes) until it's able to load properly. Has anybody experienced the same problem? The messages I see in the status buffer are mostly like this:


Havent seen that issue, but I do get undo-tree notices when I've moved/renamed files. Although I havent noticed a slow-down during starup.

Error reading undo-tree history from "/home/practicalli/.config/emacs/.cache/undo-tree-history/.!home!practicalli!projects!practicalli!blog!content!md!posts!"
You could try removing the undo-tree-history from the Spacemacs cache


Emacs 28 provides undo-redo which I am going to try as its reported as faster, especially for Evil editing (not that I find it that slow)