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When I do Spc Spc and search for an fn in helm, the typed fn appears multiple times. So lets say I called clojure-align , the first time it appears 3 times, next time when I call it appears 4 times. It seems any fn that I call in emacs, next time it appears +1 times in the helm menu. I guess this is also slowing down emacs quite a bit. Any leads on what is wrong ?


seems like it is treated as history, i find it annoying as well, dunno how to disable it unfortunately :( let me know if you ll find the answer


@murtaza52 @kirill.salykin The brute force approach is to delete .emacs.d/.cache/savehist file. This must be done when Emacs is NOT running. You could also try deleting the duplicated commands from this file, however, if you do this in Emacs it will add them back in again as it seems they are in the Emacs memory. There was a change to the helm packages that seems to be the root cause. Once a clean savehist file is created by running Emacs again, I have not experience the issue. There were some variables to try and remove duplicates, but I never got these to work. I can share these if needed.


deletion of savehist worked like a charm. thanks!


@murtaza52 @kirill.salykin The brute force approach is to delete .emacs.d/.cache/savehist file. This must be done when Emacs is NOT running. You could also try deleting the duplicated commands from this file, however, if you do this in Emacs it will add them back in again as it seems they are in the Emacs memory. There was a change to the helm packages that seems to be the root cause. Once a clean savehist file is created by running Emacs again, I have not experience the issue. There were some variables to try and remove duplicates, but I never got these to work. I can share these if needed.


please share, thanks!


I tried (setq history-delete-duplicates t) in dotspacemacs/user-conf but it didnt work. Upgrading the helm packages and deleting savehist was the simplest approach and it actually worked. Looling at the savehist file there wasnt anything important in there, so quickest approach it to just delete (when Emacs is not running).