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I cannot cider jack-in
. I get a stacktrace rather than a REPL.
When I hit spc + m + s + i, I get the following text in the bottom:
Starting nREPL server via lein update-in :dependencies conj ^"[org.clojure/tools.nrepl \^"0.2.12\^"]^" -- update-in :plugins conj ^"[refactor-nrepl \^"2.2.0-SNAPSHOT\^"]^" --update-in :plugins conj ^"[cider/cier-nrepl \^"0.12.0-SNAPSHOT\^"]^" -- repl :headless...
Followed by the appearance of this stacktrace (annoyingly, neither of which I can copy/paste, since the buffers disappear on action):
I tried reinstalling Spacemacs, updating Spacemacs and updating packages, but it makes no difference.
My emacs/spacemacs versions are:
(emacs-24.5.1) (spacemacs-0.105.14)
my leiningen version is Leiningen 2.6.1 on Java 1.8.0_65 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
I'm on Windows
I've tried with a ~/.lein/profiles.clj containing the following:
And right now, it is simply {:repl {:plugins [ ] :dependencies [ ]}}
So I'm at my wit's end. lein repl
works just fine, but I cannot create an nREPL with cider jack-in
Anyone have any clue on what I should do?
@reefersleep: can you paste the whole stacktrace?
@alandipert: Nope - whenever I click or perform any keystroke, the buffer with the stacktrace disappears 😕
hm, you may try #C0617A8PQ
I've posted the same there
I followed the advice in the Troubleshooting part of the Cider README and activated toggle-debug-on-error, and managed to catch something meaningful
could not start nrepl server: clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException: Could not locate mranderson047/toolsnamespace/v03v0_alpha3/clojure/tools/namespace/parse__init.class or mranderson047/toolsnamespace/v0v3v0_alpha3/clojure/tools/namespace/parse.clj on classpath: , compiling:(refactor_nrepl/core.clj:1:1)
It doesn't help me in a google search, but I think I saw some trouble with mranderson mentioned somewhere. Does anyone recognise this?
The "Troubleshooting" section also mentions looking in the Messages buffer or the nrepl-messages buffer. I can't find these. Does anyone know how to reach them?
@reefersleep: in spacemacs you can get to messages by SPC + b + b and selecting Messages
That's great, @codonnell , thanks. This allows me to copy/paste the full stacktrace
Not that it's any more interesting, from what I can tell
But great to know!
can anyone point me to a resource to learn the key bindings for manipulating the parens on my code. I’m coming from vim
and paredit
. I’m trying to learn to use smartparen but I’m finding it harder to use in comparison to vim
+ paredit
@felixflores: I never got around to trying paredit
before I moved to Spacemacs, and like you, I'm confused about the paredit-like options in Emacs.
I tried using the lisp-mode stuff (I guess that's not smartparen?), but never got used to it.
as in, SPC k (and another key in that layer)
I find it confusing because it puts me in a different mode than Normal and Insert. There's a limit to how much I can keep in my head
There is an issue about adding Lispy, which (apparently) is paredit-like, as a layer or package to Spacemacs
I don't know how resolved it is, haven't read the whole thing through.
From what I can gather, it's still underway.
@felixflores: from what you know about paredit, would you say that lispy looks equivalent? And - is paredit good? If so, I think I'll hold out for Lispy in Spacemacs and spend my brainpower on other stuff than learning Emacsy parens editor modes/commands
@alandipert: I solved the problem. And it was really, really stupid. I, myself, have found a bug in Leiningen for Windows, reported it and submitted a pull request that leaves comments in lein.bat and warning that you should not have a LEIN_JAR environment variable as well as a different reference for Leiningen on PATH, as this might mess things up. And here I am, with a LEIN_JAR environment variable still set. Guess I didn't clean up after experimenting while sorting out the Leiningen issue with HyPiRiOn. Removed the LEIN_JAR, and now everything is good. Damn!