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Chris McCormick13:09:32

Hello, does anybody have a good example of a GitHub action that runs tests in a shadow-cljs project? I have a :target like this:

{:target :node-test
 :output-to "tests.js"
 :ns-regexp "sitefox.*$"
 :autorun true}
And an npm script that looks like this for running it:
shadow-cljs compile test && node tests.js
I'd like to be able to do this on each push/PR on Linux and Mac.

Chris McCormick02:09:24

(got it working)


is there a macro-accessible variable or anything to know from the macro-expand-time/runtime whether the build was produced by "compile" vs "release"?


@zimablue ( &env) in the macro. :release for release builds, otherwise :dev

Ivan Fedorov20:09:16

Hi Thomas, just notifying you, that Closure seems to also not support ResizeObserver API. Added a couple more externs manually. Which leads me to think, what other APIs aren’t supported.


there is like 3 functions in that API? what would be missing?


(included by default)

Ivan Fedorov20:09:15

Hmmm, should I somehow notify Closure that I’m using this API in my JS file?


nope, should just work out of the box

Ivan Fedorov20:09:53

This is my js file head


be careful with type info, if its incorrect that may lead to bugs

Ivan Fedorov20:09:09

It’s part of the library. Then I lein install this lib, and use it in a different project. The latter project only started to work properly after I supplied borderBoxSize, inlineSize, blockSize to its externs/app.txt

Ivan Fedorov20:09:27

maybe an old shadow-cljs / clojurescript version?


you tell me? 😛 the resizeobserver externs are fairly new

Ivan Fedorov20:09:33

shadow version 2.15.3


2.15.3 - 2021-08-08


no idea when the externs where added

Ivan Fedorov20:09:12

ok, thanks! will check hmm, but the same thing was with SVG

Ivan Fedorov20:09:15

maybe I should try removing all type annotations


well, does it work with the newer version?

👍 1
Ivan Fedorov21:09:42

hmm, yes, seems to