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Hmm. I've just (painfully) migrated my app to figwheel-main and I'm trying to figure out if I can start using a ClojureScript REPL after all these years with CIDER. But the standard connect- functions complain about being unable to find build-id.cljs.edn files, which is correct, because I don't have any. My figwheel-main is started manually from Clojure code. I start the Clojure REPL using leiningen (launched from a Makefile), then connect using cider-connect, then run init code which does a bunch of things and starts figwheel at the end. Any suggestions/directions as to where to look next to connect?


I think you could use cider-connect-clj and then call figwheel.main.api/cljs-repl


That would still look for build-id.cljs.edn


No, maybe I'm mistaken.


As long as you're running it from the same process which has started the build, it should find it in the registry


(figwheel.main.api/start build)
would certainly look for it, but
(figwheel.main.api/cljs-repl build)
connects to an existing build, so that might circumvent the problem.


Another solution would of course be to add the .cljs.edn-file, but I guess you have your reasons to stray from the defaults.


It should, yes. You can also configure CIDER with a custom REPL type for your project so that you can just run cider-connect-cljs and it will initialize the CLJS REPL for you


I would probably go with the approach of setting up the build EDN files and launching Figwheel as a separate process from your main Clojure app. It seems like a nice idea to have everything in the same process but you have to add a lot of CIDER-specific configuration to get it to "just work"


It's a complex app and there are a number of init steps that need to happen (things like database connection, mount initialization, migrations, etc), and I'd much rather start figwheel from inside the init function. I am using figwheel.main.api/start to start the build and configuration is supplied to that function. If I have to, I can move this configuration to a file, but… well, it seems rather strange to rely so heavily on things being stored in a single file with a "magic" name.


Also, I'm guessing CIDER needs that file just to parse it and get the port number?


It seems like CIDER doesn't have a specific REPL type for connecting to a running figwheel-main build. It expects to call figwheel.main/start and uses the build files to find the build name to pass to that function. Since you're calling start already, to get a CLJS REPL you need to call figwheel.main.api/cljs-repl inside of a Clojure REPL to "upgrade" it. Then you can run cider-set-repl-type to mark it as a CLJS REPL (so that eval works correctly in CLJS buffers). To simplify things, you can configure something like the following in .dir-locals.el:

  (cider-custom-cljs-repl-init-form . "(do (require 'figwheel.main.api) ((resolve figwheel.main.api/cljs-repl) "build-id"))"
  (cider-default-cljs-repl . custom))) That lets you start your regular Clojure REPL, and then run cider-connect-cljs to launch the CLJS REPL. The benefit of magic file names is that it's a convention that makes it work more easily with tooling without manual configuration 😄


Hmm. Very confusing. I might just postpone this — ClojureScript REPL have been so problematic that I've never used them for the last 7 years or so, which means I can get around without them for a while longer 🙂


There are infinite ways to setup your REPL and tooling so I've found it helps me work faster if I just stick to the default approach 🙂 FWIW I've had no problems with ClojureScript REPLs for a long time. But I've used the above approach before with success

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