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Currently it isn't automated, but the gist of it is you can provide a content-url and content-type to the standalone app domain and it will fetch, parse and render the data awesome


The currently supported datatypes are application/transit+json, application/json, application/edn and text/plain


The next step is adding a portal command that will pretty print a selected value, automatically upload it to a github gist and produce the correctly formatted url 👌


Might not add this directly to portal since it can be done as a user command


One such share command 🙌

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is it possible to inline nav calls?


What do you mean by inline?


In the inspector you have rows of key value pairs. With value selected pressing ENTER calls nav at shows the result in a new "page". Would be handy if this could be done inline without navigating to a new page. Does that make sense?


I can nav into :shipment/end-location by pressing ENTER. would be cool if I could expand it inline by pressing E or something


so toggle-nav might be a good name for this


That's an interesting idea. I wouldn't want this to only work for nav since any function can push stuff into the history stack, any function should be able to be eval'd inline :thinking_face:


A version of Portal in the past had a two panel approach, kinda like REBL, where the right was the current item and the left was the previous item. Is that kinda what you are looking for, a way to keep the context of the previous data structure?


Would by nice to have nav work the same as expand. In the video :shipment/stops value is a map and :shipment/start-location is a thing that implements Navigable. Would be nice to view the Navigable inline like you can with a map.


I think the UX difficulty I've ran into is getting back to the original value. If the original value is replaced, how would you expect to get it back?


I think that's mostly true but datafy doesn't require you return something which supports metadata


I think it will be added for you if you use clojure.datafy/datafy as opposed to clojure.core.protocols/datafy


I'd be happy with best effort, but your call of course


I could take a stab at it and send a PR if you like. Some pointers on where to look would be nice though 🙂


I'll put together some info later on in the day when I have some more time 👌

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