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@thheller I have a bit of weird one for you, any idea why when loaded via shadow.resource causes Invalid UTF-8 start byte 0x97 ? Stack Overflow is points to my files not being UTF-8 but I have tried to confirm that they are as best as I can.


is the file you are loading as a resource proper utf-8? it often is some kind of utf16 or so


shadow-cljs does not perform any kind of conversion so it is likely that your file contains the invalid byte


they are often invisible in editors so easy to miss

Jack Arrington22:08:11

I just want to say, shadow-cljs is awesome! I just set up hot reloading in like 5 minutes. Normally when spinning up a new JS project with Webpack, I plan on wasting an hour or two at least to get everything configured. Great job on the usability front 🍻

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