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Hi, @borkdude. Just a single question: I'm using SCI on ClojureScript, and want to pass ClojureScript records to, and from SCI.
So, I saw the :readers
option. But if I send an options like {'example.Error ex/map->Error}
, when I evaluate the code #example.Error{:type "SomeError, :message "A Message"}
it returns a PersistentArrayMap, not the record
@mauricio.szabo Do you want to read records from source code strings?
I can reproduce the problem:
cljs.user=> (type (sci/eval-string "#example.Error{:type \"SomeError\", :message \"A Message\"}" {:readers {'example.Error map->Error}}))
Made an issue here:
@mauricio.szabo Should be fixed with
@mauricio.szabo Do you need a new mvn/version or do you use it as a git dep?
A mvn/version is better, because I'm using on Shadow-CLJS 😄. Thanks a lot!
(BTW, that was FAST! 😄)
@mauricio.szabo ok: borkdude/sci {:mvn/version "0.1.1-alpha.7"}
Btw, since yesterday night the CLJS tests for sci run really sloooow on my machine, no idea why
I'm also observing this with 0.1.0 which was released quite a while ago. I guess my holiday laptop (Macbook Air) just doesn't cut it anymore, but the JVM tests are still super fast.
@borkdude well, everything seems normal here on my machine with SCI tests... maybe some node/macOS update?
Hey, I'm trying to use clojure.walk/macroexpand-all
inside of sci
but it's failing with the classic Caused by:
Basically I'm running this:
"(macroexpand-all '(-> 1 println))"
{:bindings {'macroexpand-all clojure.walk/macroexpand-all}})
;;=> (println 1)
Sci already has macroexpand. The macroexpand-all should call that macroexpand, not clojure's own macroexpand.
All right, for the short-term would evaluating the implementation inside of sci be enough?
All right, well I actually already tried that. But I didn't get the result I expected:
(sci.core/eval-string "
(defn walk [inner outer form]
(list? form) (outer (apply list (map inner form)))
(map-entry? form)
(outer [(inner (key form)) (inner (val form))])
(seq? form) (outer (doall (map inner form)))
(record? form)
(outer (reduce (fn [r x] (conj r (inner x))) form form))
(coll? form) (outer (into (empty form) (map inner form)))
:else (outer form)))
(defn prewalk [f form]
(walk (partial prewalk f) identity (f form)))
(defn macroexpand-all [form]
(prewalk (fn [x] (if (seq? x) (macroexpand x) x)) form))
(macroexpand-all '(-> 1 println))")
;;=> (-> 1 println) ;; <<<<<<<<<<< INCORRECT
When I evaluate these functions, and run it locally, it does workThe ->
is built in kind of as a primitive in sci, it was one of the first macros I implemented, when user-defined macros weren't possible yet
ah, there it is, in analyzer.cljc:
;; TODO: implement as normal macro in namespaces.cljc
-> (expand-> ctx (rest expr))
;; TODO: implement as normal macro in namespaces.cljc
as-> (expand-as-> ctx expr)
Does this mean it's also applicable for as->
I think we already have tests for ->
so if they keep working, you don't have to add new ones I think
or you can separate them out from the bug chunk of core tests and move them to their own deftest, which is cleaner I think
I just merged a huge PR (having to do with the new stack trace support in babashka), so there's a conflict now. Can you solve it? Can wait till tomorrow, since I'm calling it a day