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Jack Arrington20:01:10

Could someone point me to a good, idiomatic Ring project? Doesn't have to be a prod app necessarily, but preferably something that's not totally trivial, with the bells and whistles you expect to see in a real app, like database connection, session handling, etc. I realize there's lots of different libraries that can be mixed and matched and more than one way to do this stuff. Just looking for at least one idiomatic example of how everything can fit together. A project using Compojure as well would be ideal, since that's what I'm using, but it doesn't have to.

Jack Arrington21:01:26

And I'll add, a medium-sized project would be really nice. I have found the which is written in Clojure, but that's a mountain of code and not easy to quickly look through for examples


This may be a bit too simple for your needs? -- Ring + Compojure + next.jdbc + Selmer + Component.


(no session handling tho')

Jack Arrington21:01:10

Still looks very useful! And well commented. Thanks.

Jack Arrington21:01:47

Session handling I should be able to figure out anyway


Whilst I wouldn't say that my little demo project is idomatic (well, it is to me :-)), may I offer another take on your request with this little do-dah.

thanks2 1

It does session handling too 🙂

awesome 1