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it is the awkward Java notation for a Double array

Ingy döt Net17:01:13

Thanks. Why does that section not have the other usual values? (allPublicMethods, methods, etc)


if you don't specify those, only some of the information will be available, e.g. for instance checks, but not for doing interop

Ingy döt Net17:01:24

Makes sense. Thanks.

Ingy döt Net20:01:19

What is foo used for in (sci/create-ns 'foo) ?


This creates an object which resembles a namespace object in Clojure on which you can call ns-name , etc

Ingy döt Net21:01:51

Got it. Had to check. Works. Good to Know. Thanks.

Ingy döt Net21:01:31

wait. not sure now. sec

Ingy döt Net21:01:47

using (ns-name (the-ns (quote foobar))) to test, but changing the symbol in the code didn't change the result. I'll dig more to find what's up later on...