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Happy to release a new version of! A library for executing EQL queries over Clojure data and other graph stores, and storing graph data in normal form in Clojure data. Version 3.4.0 brings a few changes: * New pyramid.core/identify function which takes a DB and entity map and returns the lookup ID of the map as if it were added to the DB. * New visitor pattern support Visitor pattern: you can now annotate parts of an EQL query with`{:visitor (fn visit [db data] ,,,)}` metadata, which will replace the location with the return value of the visit function in the final result of the pull or pull-report call. It is similar to doing a postwalk on the results of pull or pull-report, but is done in the same pass as pulling data out of the DB - so less traversals - and the transformations can be easily annotated on the location that you want to transform. See for example usage. * Fixed merge-entity in babashka This work is a part of a larger project funded by #cljtogether. See for more details on that. Thanks for the support!

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