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Vít Kalisz17:12:02

Hi, I have a more or less follow up error, which I don't know what to do about. I have the attached stacktrace and I call this function

(defn md-button []
  [:> Button {:variant "outlined"
              :color "secondary"
              :on-click #(js/console.log "clicked")} "button"])

Vít Kalisz18:12:20

@U2FRKM4TW Don't you know more?


Nope, sorry. But I assume you got it sorted out given that you've found that StackOverflow post.


your error does not appear to be in the code you pasted, but probably in the Button component

Vít Kalisz18:12:05

Rather in the usage of Button Material UI component.


what is Button referring to?

Vít Kalisz17:12:15

Button is a Material-UI component included above threw

["@material-ui/core/Button" :default Button]

Vít Kalisz18:12:12

I found this which seems to be quite similar but the problem persist even after changes in package.json. My hypothesis is, that I somehow don not use the Material-UI component correctly.