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Hi, I'm trying to use react 16 error boundaries in Reagent 8.1 (React version 16.3.2). Could anyone explain why it seems they can only be used with components and not wrap hiccup directly? So for instance, this works:
(defn will-fail []
[:div {:class js/nonExistingVar}])
(defn component []
[will-fail]]) ; Uncaught ReferenceError: nonExistingVar is not defined (get's caught by the error boundary.)
but inlining the same component as hiccup doesn't work (it unmounts the whole component tree):
(defn component []
[:div {:class js/nonExistingVar}]))
The error boundary looks like this:
(ns vd.frontend.shared.error-boundary
(:require [reagent.core :as reagent]))
(defn component [_]
(let [error? (reagent/atom false)]
{:component-did-catch (fn [_ error info]
(js/console.log :error error)
(js/console.log :info info)
(reset! error? true))
(fn [& comp]
(if @error?
[:div "something went wrong"]
@pontus.colliander this is because Reagent/React create elements lazily
in the first case, the error-boundary
is instantiated and passed the hiccup with will-fail
in the second case, [:div {:class js/nonExistingVar}]
is executed and throws an error, before error-boundary
is instantiated
here’s a codepen that shows how this works in regular react:
For reagent.ratom/make-reaction
, there is an :on-dispose
option. Anyone know how this is supposed to be used? My reaction is getting "disposed" when I blur a field, but then the same reaction is still getting reused later (when I focus the field). And I don't see something like the opposite of :on-dispose
to be able to handle that properly.
e.g. if you have a component that optionally dereferences a the reaction depending on some other value:
(defn thing [count]
;; if this component is the only one dereferencing `message`,
;; this will dispose the `message` reaction when `count` > 5
[:div (if (> count 5) "Too big!" @message)])
I.e., If I do a side-effect in :on-dispose, is there a way to do the opposite side-effect later? (when watch-count is > 0)
The idea of on-dispose is that it should do some cleanup of whatever happened when the reaction was instantiated
E.g. the reaction is subscribing to some event stream, and on disposal it unsubscribs
Yea that makes sense, though it becomes problematic if the same reaction instance can still be reused again later, and there is no way to react to it "waking up" again
You shouldn't cache the reaction instance itself. I'm not clear how re-frame works exactly here, but if you dereference it again it should run the reaction again if it was disposed
is there any way to track reactions outside of the reagent render context?
track! 😄
@lilactown This was the problem, so you were right:
interesting. I guess there’s some downsides to the caching that re-frame does in subscribe