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@pesterhazy @emccue Thanks for the information. I did try to use a macro, but it was giving me an error (saying that environ was not found). I’m still new to Clojure, so I think there is something I’m not understanding about Clojure -> Clojurescript macros.


@pesterhazy do you have an example of the macro handy? And then how to require it in cljs?


I did this:


(defmacro cljs-env [kw]
    (env kw))


where env was required like: [environ.core :refer [env]]


And then I tried to use it:


(def base-url (cljs-env :server-url))


With a require: :require-macros [thingy.env :as env :refer [cljs-env]]


Did I miss something?


(I added the :server-url key to project.clj in each profile)


(But it doesn’t get that far, because it throws an error about referencing environ at runtime)


@davin, your example seems correct


it seems that nowadays it's possible to skip React's createElement completely in many cases (, returning plain JS objects from render() instead. do you think it may be useful for improving Reagent performance?

Oliver George23:01:07

Hello. I have a "how to subscribe in a view callback" question.

Oliver George23:01:14

I'm trying out BlueprintJS which has a nice Table component. It's virtualized so that only visible cells render which is means doing cell rendering in a callback.

Oliver George23:01:42

My callback uses the row index to fetch data via @(subscribe [:get-row idx])

Oliver George23:01:15

(really i use some limit/offset paging but that's the idea)

Oliver George23:01:44

The subscribe works and shows loading.... but doesn't refresh when the data arrives.

Oliver George23:01:59

Logically this is because the render callback happens later so reagent doesn't know the deref/sub should be watched.

Oliver George23:01:49

Is there a way I can manually associated the deref/sub with the component in the callback? Passing this through.