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@jasongilman: I managed to create a loading icon (the one from atom-ink's gif) with a very simple interface. Currently I am testing different approaches and I would like to know your opinion on my two favorites: 1) put a (movable/dynamic) load icon wherever the cursor currently is. 2) put a fixed load-icon at the end of the block under execution. option 1 makes it clear that an operation is waiting to finish regardless of your current position in the code which I think is important if you have a big file. option 2 on the other hand, makes it clear which code block is waiting for a result and also has the advantage of allowing multiple markers for queue operations. The disadvantage is that if the user moves away from the block under execution then you no longer know when it is ready unless you go to the specific point again. I think both approaches are very valid but I guess you have more experience in that so I would like to know your thoughts 😉
@carocad: I prefer option 2.
@carocad: thanks for working to make Proto REPL better. I still want to integrate your changes for the console. I'm on vacation now. I'm hoping to get to it soon.