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I finally gave in and installed Elixir today and went through the tutorial... I just can't help finding the syntax really ugly 😞
(but then I don't much like Ruby to start with and this seems to have a lot of Erlang-isms poking through, making it even clunkier)
I can’t get past the syntax either. It is too Ruby-ish for my taste. And the community seems to be mostly ruby devs also.
Don't know what I would be getting out of it, since I don't know that ecosystem, but it sounds interesting 😛
I can’t do Lisp without some sort of clojure syntax anymore. Clojure has spoiled me.
LFE on Erjang... it's a thing
I was surprised when I looked at LFE how much the syntax leapt out and made me go "ugh!" — Clojure has definitely spoiled me there 😸
I hadn’t used to think (general) Lisp syntax was weird… I was very comfortable with it (a long time ago). I think I’d been away from it long enough — and spent decades in non-Lisp land — that when I came to Clojure, I didn’t think it was "odd" compared to Lisp, and now I’m so used to Clojure syntax that Lisp looks "odd" instead. Funny what you get used to.