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Morning @maleghast, still in The Philippines? 🙂
I am indeed @broquaint 🙂 How are you doing?
i've got netty-based jar-hell, which is not nearly as AWESOME
it seems having more than one transitive dependency to netty in your project is a recipe for sadness. maybe not today, but sometime soon
fortunately the authors of one of those transitive dependencies have also realised this and moved off of netty, so there is hope
just gotta upgrade one more thing...
mmm... and I've got an openvpn config working now that doesn't gobble all of my outbound connections. :-D
bugger - i just hit
not with netty actually, but jnats - which is supposed to be saving me from netty-hell
Morning... I can't confirm or deny that I have an interview in 10 minutes while on holiday in NL. 😋
@thomas: well good luck either with your interview (if you had one) and your holiday regardless! 😉
@dominicm: i chose to do a PR for the upstream library and make the package-private class public...
happy interview @thomas !
@otfrom: there seem to be two main aspects - the runtime mechanisms for implementing packaging, and the package archive
node seems to have a great runtime mechanism and an awful archive
java/mvn/clojars seem to have a poor runtime mechanism and a pretty good archive
i can't remember much about rubygems - ptsd probably
maven is just a good example of Jevons' Paradox applied to packaging. (with Apache:Maven :: USA:Global Warming)
@otfrom: with mvn ? it's the same as dll hell - you can have unresolvable transitive dependency clashes which aren't discovered until link or call time
nah, it is better, b/c you can always explicitly refer to the versions you want of the lib and pointonly at them
(at least compared to the old .dll hell where you just had unversioned libs in a single directory)
the probem is that every package depends on a tree of other packages and those trees often have conflicts
yes - which is a problem that node's runtime mechanism has a solution for
what's wrong with their closure-based solution @minimal ? the archive implementation is awful, for sure - but the runtime solution seems very sane ?
by runtime i'm meaning (for node) the way package implementations get wrapped in closures, so that you can have multiple versions of the same package happily co-existing
perhaps partly what java was aiming for with osgi, but that seems very heavy
Yeh i get it. It solves the problem (presumable). but the way they store dupe packages in the archive is weird. not sure why don’t use a nix-like scheme for storing packages of the same version rather than duplicating
yeah - that would be an improvement
@glenjamin: just that recent mess where some packages were deleted and random other users could take them over
in which case node gets a boost to it's archive rating in my head
The lockfile that npm uses is a bit rubbish, but can be made to work - but isn’t enabled by default
I see lots of people neglecting to use the lockfile (shrinkwrap), which is a bad idea
and in other ecosystems people seem to set up caching proxies fairly often - but it’s not as widespread in node-land
are there things like an s3-archive impl for node packages ? i'm particularly fond of my s3-wagon
i don’t know of an S3-based one, but pass-through caching proxies and private package hosting thingies exist
mr.anderson rewrites your source doesn't it @dominicm ?
are there any clojurians at skybet or did I dream it? I googled and @glenjamin appeared.
am looking to invite to - do you have any contacts there I can pester?
my very good friend and old co-founder Peter Morgan has just started working ther
(in Sheffield)
@glenjamin: thanks!
Thanks guys... it went really well. And now my family and I need to have an extremely hard think if going back to NL is what we want.
To be honest it scares the !@# out of me, going back to NL, haven't lived in this country for 16 years. Just been a tourist occasionally.
Yeah, that would be like me taking a job in the UK and moving back there (left in '99). Lots of pros but lots of cons too. Good luck with that decision @thomas
Thank you @seancorfield @otfrom
Git commit asap @mccraigmccraig