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Is it possible to tell portal to create .config in some central place like /tmp or /home instead of in the current project dir ?


This should only be an issue if you are using an extension. Is there a reason that the .portal directory is problematic for you?


Because I have lots of projects and I seldom tweak the created .portal directories.


Also, even if I do not use portal in some project, as long as I open VSCode, a .portal directory will be created.


I don't see how it's any more problematic than any number of other dot-files that tools create -- I have it git-ignored, along with a lot of other things.

☝️ 1

Tools normally won’t create .dotfiles under the project.


I could see how that could be annoying. Currently, the vs-code extension uses these to determine if it should write the connection info. I don't think I can change these without breaking existing users. I wonder if vs-code allows users to overwrite these :thinking_face: I'm uncertain as I don't use vs-code all that often

Ferdinand Beyer07:05:13

> Tools normally won’t create .dotfiles under the project. There are quite a few that do, including IDEs (.idea, .vscode) and Clojure itself (.cpcache). When working with VS-Code and Calva, you will likely end up with .calva .clj-kondo and .lsp as well…. 🤷

☝️ 1

> There are quite a few that do, including IDEs (.idea, .vscode) and Clojure itself (.cpcache). When working with VS-Code and Calva, you will likely end up with .calva .clj-kondo and .lsp as well…. 🤷 I was aware of that (in the clojure land), but that shouldn’t be the practice.

Ryan Zwiefelhofer19:05:17

@UGC0NEP4Y I had some files/folders that kept popping up in every project that i knew i never wanted to commit so I ended up creating a global .gitignore and added things like the .portal directory to it. Then most tooling goes ahead and ignores all the files regardless of the project because its in the global gitignore. Not sure if this would help fix what you're trying to accomplish but figured I'd share. Can accomplish it with a command like:

git config --global core.excludesFile '~/.gitignore'


Thanks @U011T61C1V4, I should add this tip to the docs 🙌