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If I have a query [(:list-with-args {:arg ?arg})]
in a component and there is any mutation for this component, should I expect a read
to be called for :list-with-args
How do I make my project depend on the most recent version of
nope, boot but it’s probably similar
Clone the repo then install to .m2. With lein this would be lein install
. (sorry busting in!)
i see, and what does [org.omcljs/om "RELEASE”]
ok so there are four ways to do this lol, [org.omcljs/om "1.0.0-alpha30”]
, [org.omcljs/om "1.0.0-alpha31-SNAPSHOT”]
, [org.omcljs/om "RELEASE”]
, and what @cjmurphy said.
The first is the most recent version, the second is the latest snapshot (what’s a snapshot?), the third and fourth are the same as the latest snapshot?
is that correct?
@cjmurphy: ah i see, thanks
and the best way to find the latest release is in the project.clj file in the om repo?
cool, thanks
With boot at least you won't have to remember to lein clean
, lein deps
projects that refer to om
after you install it - well that's the theory with boot I think.
so i’ve heard
hopefully that’s true
Should I have any problems running a server-side om-next remote parser with a clojurescript back-end targetting node.js/express.js? All of the tutorials I've seen so far are using pure Clojure on the back end. I still haven't wrapped my mind yet around how this part of the Om Next puzzle works.
@george.w.singer: Haven’t seen anything like that, but using CLJS in Node is not a problem, so it should work
@artemyarulin: sounds good. Are there any libraries I have to explicitly import into nodejs/express (via cljs) on the backend? Or is it all manual?
@george.w.singer: Hmm, not sure. Maybe you can get some info here and referenced Foram therem. It’s about different thing, but could be a place to start
@george.w.singer: I use ClojureScript on the server with express and it should work fine with no changes, just import om normally
for performance reasons, i would like to store some data that is calculated during the rendering phase. so, when the next rendering occures, the render-fn will look if there is some cached data before doing the calculations again. I was thinking about using a second state atom that will only host the cache-data (without any connection to the app-state). Is this a bad idea?
not sure i understand, don't see why you couldn't have a separate cache that is a function from state -> cached value
seems orthogonal to anything om
if the cache is a part of the state, i would have a rerender if the cache is updated. or can i prevent any rerender on a transaction?
why would the cache be a part of the state?
(or ... prevent reads)
i think that om's involvement stops once it passes the correct props to your render function
what you do in render is your own business
Ok... yes. I was thinking the same.
How is
managed? I see that it's added to in set-query!
, and removed from in componentWillUnmount
, but isn't there somewhere else that adds to it?
@jlongster: are you asking that because you're seeing a nil
value for that entry?
no, I don't see any problems but I noticed that my parser function was being run at a weird time and I realized that componentWillUnmount
modifies the state. I'm dynamically displaying various children that have queries, so when they are unmounting it updates that key, but I'm worried that new children aren't updating it
I'm using a virtualization library that only displays a subset of a large list in the DOM, and each of those rows has a query. It seems to work pretty well, but just wanted to make sure
@jlongster: queries are only stored in the state if you explicitly set them for a mounted component
example code if it helps that renders the VirtualScroll element:
@anmonteiro: ah ok. will the swap!
in componentWillUnmount
always trigger the watch (which schedules a rerender) even if it didn't change the data?
@jlongster: I don't know, but that's something I can try in a second
it will however trigger the watch in the first unmount
when the key is not even there
(swap! (atom {:a 1}) update-in [:b] dissoc 3)
=> {:a 1, :b nil}
it's how update-in works
if you didn't set the query for an instance there will be no entry under ::queries
it probably would
@jlongster: looks good, does it solve your problem locally?
gzrm, have you got a particular problem?
i hope to tackle auth quite soon
I'm just too new. Tackling a lot of new things at once. I'm trying to determine if I should use a separate remote for login, or maybe even just a normal POST to a login resource, or if I should try to handle it with a mutate like [(login/submit creds)]
I would handle it through a remote mutate, which returns the user on success and merges it into your app state. Then you can check for this user in your app-state to determine if you're logged in/out.
Is it normal if doesn't allow adding new TODOs ?
That's the way I'm working through right now. Actually, it's server-side stuff I'm struggling with (bidi/friend/carmine), not om-specific
@dnolen: I've submitted a pull request to update the README for om-next-demo to note that not all the features work. I know this would have helped this newbie (me) quite a bit of time and I've seen others ask similar questions regarding the om-next-demo:
@grzm: Def. use a separate url/remote for login stuff, at the very least you want to limit the requests per IP with something like nginx. Or of course you can do that within the server if you have the time to implement such logic.
Most of the articles and wiki examples mentioned that you can (or probably would) edit the AST for remote fetch. Is it OK to change :params
as well?
@dnolen: Got it. BTW - just wanted to say thank you for om-next: learning curve is a bit of a problem, it’s not easy, but once I got it - it’s indeed very simple and powerful at the same time
@artemyarulin: glad to hear it!
@tony.kay: I'm starting to see the benefits of transacting to perform remote fetches. it would solve a problem I have right now. did you mention that you talk about it in your tutorials? I don't see anything like it in there
I want to blow away the result of a previous remote fetch so that my component knows that it's loading again. right now I just check if the data exists at all, and if not I assume it's loading. but I can't blow away the current data by just changing query params.
So, no it is not in the tutorials...the tutorials are Om. The extensions I'm talking about are part of the stuff I'm trying to get open-sourced with my company....having lunch with the CTO may be able to share very soon
well, I see how it would work so I'll probably just implement a simple version for now
hm, what the purpose of :query-root
in context of read parser and remote calls?
@artemyarulin: it marks the ast so you can use process-roots
in your send function, which transforms the query to make all the query roots top-level and sends off those to the server instead of the raw UI query
hm, any examples of this? I’m having a problem that send function receives really a big query, while real data it cares about far deep down. I guess process-roots solves exactly this issue?
@artemyarulin: it's simple to use
something like that?
{:remote (assoc ast :params (find data :path) :query-root true)}
@anmonteiro: See a regression in the indexer when flowing through the code you changed for dyn queries. Cannot read property 'call' of null from the last line shown in the snippet below. Thoughts?
@artemyarulin: did you mean assoc-in
@jlongster: Well, I didn’t, but I’ll try
well, actually from tests in om-next:
(defmethod precise-read :real/key
[{:keys [ast] :as env} _ _]
{:remote (assoc ast :query-root true)})
@artemyarulin: right, you just mark any point with :query-root
, usually you are recursively calling the parser and look for specific keys and then you can do that simple assoc
@anmonteiro: Hm...maybe not....strange. Let me look more
@jlongster: Yep, this is exactly what I’m doing:
(defn read [{:keys [query data state target parser ast] :as env} key params]
(case key
:current {(or target :value)
(assoc ast :params (parser (assoc env :data (get-in @state (get @state key))) query target))}
:content (if-let [c (get data key)]
{:value c}
{:remote (assoc ast :params (find data :path) :query-root true)})))
thank you for your help!
Does query
not support joins on link properties? E.g. (query [_] [{[:current-user _] [{:profile (om/get-query UserProfile)}]}])
I ran into some indexer bugs with that but I think @anmonteiro fixed them on master
@anmonteiro: Actually, it does seem to be a regression when using links (`[:x '_]` in joins). My app begins working again if I change the line mentioned above to:
(if (or (nil? loc) (empty? path))
(line 108 of commit 8f31b)
That is probably not the correct patch...I'll see if I can write a test that demonstrates the problem. It shows up when indexing on add-root
Hello, looking for help with svg <use>
tags in Om (dom/svg #js {:viewBox 0 0 100 100"} (dom/use #js {:xlinkHref "/path/to/icon.svg"}))
gives me React.DOM.use is not a function
on Om Next 1.0.0-alpha.30 with React 0.14
@stephenway: <use> tag isn't supported by React: and therefore won't work with Om
@stephenway: you can get around it with dangerouslySetInnerHTML
which isn’t ideal, but works
how do people handle parameterized queries when using db->tree
? there's no way to customize a parameterized piece deep in the query there
Does anyone have an example of recursive parser for remotes? As far as I understood :remote
value has to be either true
or AST, isn’t it? So basically I should call parser recursively and then update AST with returned query?
@hueyp: Thank you!
@tony.kay: let me run your failing case
but I think patching query-template
is usually not the way to go
@tony.kay: it's a regression of #620, not #612
@tony.kay: this PR fixes that one
while we want to save the link's (e.g. '[:a _]
) props as :a
, the query path still needs to be [:a _]
@anmonteiro: Thx...I didn't have time to understand the algorithm...figured you'd know the patch
@tony.kay: where are you returning remote mutations' tempids?
oh right
I was looking at:
something tells me this should be (comp :tempids :result second)
according to David, the way it is is correct, but I agree with your assessment...I've had this discussion
I'd love to know the explanation behind this one
@dnolen: if you could pitch in?
I'm having a very hard time figuring a good way to do this, unless I refactor my whole remote fetching mechanism to be more like Tony's (remote fetches happen through transact!
). I'm fetching a subset of a list from the server and displaying it, and later I'm fetching a different subset, but I want to "blow away" the old data from local state because the component immediately rerenders after using update-query!
to change the params, but it's rendering the old data for 1s before the new results come in... (for various reasons, rendering the older data for the 1s is wrong)
@dnolen: what I meant was: should we return the tempids from the server where the default-merge
expects them to be?
atm I'm returning them under {'my/mutation! {:result {:tempids {}}}}
but Om's default-merge
expects them to be one level above
oh ok, that would make Om know about them, right
but I only have my tempids after :action
is ran
I'm not sure I follow
I don't have a problem with that
just means that I can't return it in :value
that's what I meant, and I agree. No big deal
@anmonteiro: other things have similar problems
makes sense. What got me into this confusion was my assumption that tempids should be returned in :result
I can see that my logic was flawed now
non-obvious - keeps coming up so obviously we need to be extra clear about this in multiple places
@dnolen: I can write something up in the FAQ
@anmonteiro: that would be helpful, also a good case for an invariant 😉
@dnolen: I don't think invariants are suited for server-side code
and I also don't see the problem of having :tempids
in the :result
from what I understood, I need to return them in the result and do post-processing on the result map
In, when you need to load some data in order to render a component, at what point is it appropriate to call the code to request that data from the server?
@stuartsierra: I've gotten away with doing it in IWillMount
So, that clears it up for me better. Tempids have to be in result because it is a side-effect thing; however, since they could be in a future (they are not a tempid yet) you have to assume that post-processing might be required.
but you need to be OK with data not having arrived when the component renders
So, if anything, I might advocate that the parser not be involved in :tempids
at all. There isn't any way to ever emit them there. From everything I've seen, it is always post-processing that puts them in the correct place (by reading :result
) for client consumption.
Interesting says to use componentDidMount
for AJAX calls.
I've written all of our plumbing to just look for :tempids
in :result
and lift them, since we do the xactions synchronously on the server. Perhaps that should be the default in Om? Easy enough to do something else (e.g. not return them as :tempids
I don't really know the significance of DidMount
vs WillMount
@stuartsierra: yes, that's the approach I've used before
but once I discovered I could do it in willmount
I started doing it there
is ran before the render
. componentDidMount
is ran after
possible explanation — "it appears that until a component is "mounted," updating the state won't cause a redraw."
thanks, wasn't aware
Trying to require [ :as om]
via cljs on the backend (targetting nodejs) yields an error. Is there anything special I have to do to use this?
@george.w.singer: just require [ :as om]
I'm assuming this is because all I really need from Om Next on the backend is a parser to read the remote query, do something with it, and spit a response back to the client. The parser logic will be the same on the server as it will be on the client. Hence all I need on the server is the same
library that's being used on the client. Is this about right?
@george.w.singer: partly. also because
is a Clojure file, not a Clojurescript one
What is
used for then?
Clojure backends
@jlongster: Where are you calling update-query! from? From inside a transact handler?
@bnoguchi: no, in an event handler that another React component fires (that is ultimately fired from a DOM event)
I think I figured it out though, will require some re-working but I don't actually want to blow away the old data
@jlongster: I was going to suggest adding in one layer of indirection. Instead of calling update-query! from within the event handler, move it into a new transact handler and write some fetching status to the state just before you call update-query! Then add that status to the relevant component's query, so you can conditionally render based on your results and the status you’re now querying locally from your app state.
@bnoguchi: I like that idea, but what would I call update-query!
on? I don't have a reference to the component in the mutate function
@jlongster: I think you do have access to the component. transact is called with a component always
@jlongster: I believe you can access it in your mutate handler’s env arg
@dnolen: I've been getting into an edge case which I'm not sure is even worth solving. I'll lay it here anyway Because React reuses component instances, there's a mounted component that doesn't change ident when my browser route changes
or rather... because the component doesn't unmount & re-mount, the indexer doesn't get updated with the new ident
I need to verify which is the case
it's the 2nd case. the indexer doesn't update, but the ident does because props have changed