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@ccann: I think they removed the explicit dependency on
in this new version, so maybe you need to add it to your project.clj
? Just guessing...
specifically, I’d like to check what version of clojure a project is on, and then programmatically set a plugin in the project map as either A or B
I see defproject supports , but what about @?
@nberger @richiardiandrea thanks for the tips! I haven’t had any luck fixing it but it looks like it’s related to timbre
since it works if I remove timbre
as a dependency (edit: i won’t say it’s “because” of timbre, just that it’s somehow involved”)
@ccann what version of timbre are you trying to use? It seems there was an issue ( similar to yours when using timbre 4.1.4 that it got fixed in timbre 4.1.5
If I run lein compile
I get this error java.lang.RuntimeException: No dispatch macro for: =
I think this is the problem:
[com.taoensso/timbre "4.3.1"] -> [com.taoensso/encore "2.36.2"] -> [org.clojure/tools.reader "0.10.0"]
[io.weft/enclojure "1.2.2"] -> [io.weft/clj-utils "1.3.7"] -> [org.clojure/core.async "0.2.374"] -> [org.clojure/tools.analyzer.jvm "0.6.9"] -> [org.clojure/tools.reader "1.0.0-alpha1”]