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what's the craziest idea you can come up with for the new chat app
In addition, the winner will get a free dinner at Clojure/west 2016 in Seattle on April 15
Even better, the top 20 winners get VIP tickets to my party at Clojure/west - who knows, I might even get Snoop Dog to show up
No problem. "novel" is basically a fancy pants way of saying "new". Maybe "new state" sounded just too boring ; d
@meow: I actually had a small hackathon a few weeks ago where we created a chatclient with electron, clojure and clojurescript. We also had a UX designer working on it and the code is open source (the client is here:
It was very basic but some stuff could be reused (maybe)
This are some designs for it
Also and And there's #C0E1SN0NM where people that do it on a daily basis hang out, where you probably can get better answers.
@mitchelkuijpers: looks cool
@jaen: I currently don’t have them at hand but we have the designs somewhere and also the css is open-source, so this might be a good kickstart
Doing Android at work and wanted to do some clojurescript, combining these would be cool
@debug: is a good introduction for people new to Clojurescript, but not to programming
I did Java for three months. By the end of it I wanted to throw tables and kill people. We didn't get on well : V
There's also this - - butI like mordern-cljs better (and not only for it's choice of build tool).
Also if you decide to use reagent as your React wrapper then there are great tutorials here -
@rafd: need to check out project-typo
mentioned by @mitchelkuijpers ^
The docs suck but I can help getting it running
The code is not good because it was a hackathon of a weekend, but I liked the designs made
also came across this:
please contribute to #C0CB40N8K @mitchelkuijpers and @jaen