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Hey, so I got my command-line stuff working, but I'm having a little trouble integrating ring-devel/wrap-reload with mount
Specifically, when I modify a file and re-request a page, I get a message that mount is stopping my web app, but it never seems to resume it
Like, I get the stop message but not the start message
My main app looks roughly like this:
(defn start-app!
"Entry point for web server"
(log/infof "Starting server on port %d..." (get-in config/app-config [:immutant :port]))
(http-kit/run-server (development-mode web/application) (:immutant config/app-config)))
(declare application)
(defn stop-app! []
(log/infof "Stopping server on port %d..." (get-in config/app-config [:immutant :port]))
(application :timeout 300))
(defstate application :start (start-app!)
:stop (stop-app!))
...where (development-mode web/application)
is roughly (-> app wrap-reload)
and app
is my compojure-api routes
@timgilbert: are you using 0.1.7
Yep. Should I try the snapshot?
yep, there (in 0.1.8-SNAPSHOT
) was a ClojureScript reload fix, which also fixed the restarting recompiled states
Ok, I'll try it and let you know if it fixes my problems, thanks
That did fix the issue I was seeing, thanks
Although I just realized I'm probably trying to solve my problem wrong in this case
To wit, I don't actually want to restart the web server in response to a recompilation - since the sequence is:
* GET request to /foo
* wrap-reload
sees that a ns changed and recompiles it
* mount
sees that the ns was recompiled, restarts the server
* client gets a connection reset error, since the server went down before a new response came in
Oops, gtg, bbl
is the ns
that is being changed the same ns
that has (defstate application.. )
in it?
@tolitius: Not quite, it's dependent on it though. So I've got more or less:
(ns foo.routes)
(defroutes my-routes (GET "/" ...))
;; ...
(ns foo.core
(:require [foo.routes :refer [my-routes]])
(defn start-app! [] (http-kit/start-server my-routes {:port 4444})
(defstate application :start (start-app!) :stop (stop-app! application)) when I make a change in foo.routes
, I assume the compiler picks up on it as a dependency of foo.core
and recompiles both namespaces - I haven't tried to verify that though
But it definitely runs through the :stop
and (with 0.1.8, thanks) :start
states for the application
This is without making direct changes in foo.core
I think this is just a different way I need to think about my workflow
Oops, 0.1.8
I wouldn't have thought so either, yeah
I think I just need to think about the workflow more. I'm used to a ring-devel/wrap-reload workflow, which is roughly: server request -> scan for file changes -> recompile files, updating existing namespaces -> return response based on recompiled code
...but with this it's more like edit file -> reload changed ns from repl -> restart web server -> server request -> response from updated code
But maybe I just have some other dependency links I haven't seen or something
if you can use any hooks in wrap-reload
you can start/stop states without the server (i.e. in case a server restart is not something you are looking for
but in general, I don't think mount would restart an application
state in your example.. I wonder if wrap-reload
refreshes everything including foo.core
which would make mount restart the "server"
Yeah, I think that might be what's happening. wrap-reload is a little short on docs, unfortunately, and its only option is an argument which changes the source-code tree it scans through
Looking at which wrap-reload uses, it does look as though it builds its own dependency rtee and reloads the tree, which I think would explain the behavior I'm seeing
I think for the purposes of getting stuff done, I'll just have the web server stored in an atom for now rather than defstate, since for my purposes nothing else in my object graph actually depends on it
interesting.. almost feels like in this case a defstate
might need to have a some kind of :reload-on-recompile :false
Yeah, that would definitely be handy
I do feel like reloading the web server mid-request is kind of crazy now that I'm actually thinking about it, but it does work with vanilla ring development, so might be nice to support with mount
In my particular case, I rarely need to restart the web server itself, mostly I'm redefining routes and application code living in regular Clojure ns's, so not having a defstate
for it isn't a huge loss necessarily