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Hi, i'm using garden with reagent, but [:style (css ...)] when converted into html, escapes some characters in css - ' at least . How to pass unescaped string into style?
@nicola: do you have an example css style that’s triggering this problem?
Ah, I see
just out of interest, is there any reason to have two set’s of quotes around Exo 2?
ah, even the double-quotes are getting escaped. I see
Sorry, I’m out of ideas.
I’d imagine there should be, but I’m not seeing anything about it in either the reagent docs or source.
Can anyone point to hints on how to convert a re-frame-template generated hello world app to something that can run in a docker container?
currently running figwheel in a container, but 1: cannot communicate with it from my host mac (port mapping?), and 2: of course I shouldn’t use figwheel in production but cljsbuild once, and 3: I should probably use uberjar, but cannot find a project.clj that has both nice figwheel for re-frame and profiles for uberjar (and never understood leiningen project.cjl deeply enough to know exactly what to do myself)
@luposlip maintainer of re-frame-template here. Can you open an issue requesting this? I have done this before, just gotta find the dockerfile i used
w00t, great @gadfly361! Will do that right away.
@luposlip: Have a look at: Although I don't use re-frame, this template contains reagent as dependency and should provide a running uberjar. Although I don't test that very often. I struggled with this too a lot, that's why I created that template.
@luposlip i commented on the issue and offered up a simple way for serving up staric files based on the nginx image. Looking at @sveri dockerfile in closp, that looks sweet for making an uberjar! Maybe the Dockerfile could be FROM clojure instead of java, may save the lein setup.
@gadfly361: Could be, I am open for improvements. And I think at the time, when I setup that dockerfile, there was no clojure dockerfile yet