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I’m working on an idea for the application that incorporates a zoomable and pannable canvas (like apps such as Figma and Miro have). However, I’m struggling with bounding boxes. A scale of 2.0 seems to “compress” the bounding box of a view: clicks at the middle of a [100 100] rect are reported as being at a position near [100 100] while it should clearly be something like [50 50]. Clicks in the right side and/or lower half are not detected as clicks. What am I doing wrong? Or is this expected?

👀 2

@U56R03VNW, that was a bug in membrane 😬 . It should be fixed and available in the latest version:

com.phronemophobic/membrane {:mvn/version ""}


Yes that fixed it, thanks!


@smith.adriane I’ve been making some graphs in vega/vega-lite and used darkstar to create SVG images. • Do you have any recommendations on how to display an SVG image using skia backend? • Alternatively, I’m currently trying to convert SVG to PNG image using com.formdev/svgSalamander — first cut will be a PNG file. If I can create a PNG or some other bitmap in memory (BufferedImage?), would I be able to display that using ui/image? Thanks! PS: experimented over the weekend with trying to modify darkstarto emit a PNG file, but couldn’t get that to work. Couldn’t get View.toCanvas to work, and didn’t have a CLJS REPL to really get to the bottom of what was going wrong.


> If I can create a PNG or some other bitmap in memory (BufferedImage?), would I be able to display that using ui/image? Yes, you should be able to pass a byte array to ui/image .


still looking at the options for rendering SVG more directly...


I’ve tried both batik and svgSalamander. • Batik hung during transform • svgSalamander: having same problem when rendering to BufferedImage. I’ve never used BufferedImage before, so trying to find another way to render to something else…


oh, interesting. I know AWT can collide with GLFW, but I think it depends on which APIs are used. I guess they're using some API that is incompatible. It's probably not buffered-image per se, but something else loaded by awt.


how many SVG's are you converting? It seems like it's not too much work to add direct SVG support to membrane.skia, but it does require a change to skialib. Is there a workaround that's possible until SVG is more directly supported?


If you need something ASAP, then the alternative is to create the image in a subprocess.


Not urgent at all! My plan was to create a graph every time a simulation is run, when the sim-state is updated. If it could keep up, I’d even consider updating it everytime the “frame” changed, so I could change color of dot, based on the current turn. (I actually have PNG files being generated working using rsvg-convert command line utility, but wanted to do this inside program, so it didn’t require an external brew install, etc. But surprisingly not as straightforward as I had hoped. This way, anyone downloading repo could run it. vs. having to install external utilities. Or showing blank window if not available.)

👍 2

I'll try to get the SVG renderer added soonish.


Wow, having all sorts of problems on macOS — (def bi (BufferedImage. 1200 240 BufferedImage/TYPE_INT_ARGB)) hangs due to issue described in this article and many more. (It works if I include JVM argument -Djava.awt.headless=true, but that causes Skia window to not appear!) Rethinking this whole SVG -> PNG approach. Anyone have any ideas?


I think BufferedImage should be fine to use with skia, but if you have an image in byte form, you can pass that directly to ui/image


Hopefully quick question: Is there a way to get skia window to show up if I pass this arg to JVM? “-Djava.awt.headless=true” (so that I can do BufferedImage.createGraphics() without hanging.)


I have no idea. If I had to guess, then I would say no.


awt is pretty gnarly on its own. Trying to figure out how it interacts with glfw and mac osx APIs seems very difficult.


Woof. There be dragons down here. Ejecting myself from this area of problem-solving! 🙂


I think you can use BufferedImage alongside skia, but maybe not it. My intuition is that some operations are ok and some operations will load conflicting code.


That's also a can of worms though.


This seems to work:

(import 'java.awt.image.BufferedImage
(require '[membrane.skia :as skia])

(defn get-image [fname]
  (with-open [is ( fname)]
    (let [image-stream (ImageIO/createImageInputStream is)
          buffered-image (ImageIO/read image-stream)]

(defn get-image-bytes [img]
  (let [baos (ByteArrayOutputStream.)]
    (ImageIO/write ^BufferedImage img "png" baos)
    (.toByteArray baos)))

(def bi (BufferedImage. 100 100 BufferedImage/TYPE_INT_ARGB))

(System/setProperty "java.awt.headless" "true")
(def g (.createGraphics bi))
(.setColor g Color/BLACK)
(.drawString g "hello" 0 20)

(skia/run (constantly
            (get-image-bytes bi))))


I'm not totally sure what "java.awt.headless" does. I'm not sure if you have to load membrane.skia before setting java.awt.headless to "true", but maybe that helped?


Also fyi, trying to mix AWT and glfw (ie. membrane.skia) can be trouble and even if it works sometimes, it might eventually cause the JVM to hard crash.


or maybe it's fine.


Thank you, @smith.adriane !!!! Obviously, some sorcery and knowledge needed of arcane aspects of AWT and GLFW to make this work. Much appreciated!!!


charts and plots are definitely a "missing piece" in membrane. thanks for leading the charge!


If you have a retina monitor, I might recommend drawing the the chart twice as large and then scaling down.

🙏 2

BTW, I think this is super cool — this allows using vega/vega-lite in membrane apps! vega-lite -> SVG -> PNG (Sometimes requiring writing to filesystem, but I think that can be addressed via ByteArray somehow. I haven’t used that before beyond blind copy/pasting from SO. 🙂

🎉 2

got this working locally:

   (skia/svg (slurp "/Users/adrian/Downloads/"))))
Just need to do some bookkeeping to make it ready for release.


@U6VPZS1EK, just pushed a release with SVG support:

(skia/run (constantly (skia/svg (slurp ""))))
skia/svg accepts either strings, bytes, or a It requires updating membrane and skialib:
com.phronemophobic/membrane {:mvn/version "0.12.1-beta"}
com.phronemophobic.membrane/skialib-macosx-aarch64 {:mvn/version "0.12-beta"}
I've tested it with a few SVGs, but it could use a few more pokes. Let me know if you run into any issues.


Amazing!! I’ll try it later tonight — I can’t wait to pass a bunch of Vega graphs. I’ll record it!

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