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I'm having an issue where the "resolve as" item isn't showing up in the context menu for a macro. I'm playing with the, and when I click the little light bulb context menu next to an e/defn there's the option for "configure indentation" but not for "resolve as". Any ideas how to make "resolve as" appear? I'm using 2022.3.1 (Community Edition) with Cursive 1.12.7-2022.3.

Dustin Getz12:02:59

weird, my machine shows resolve-as

Dustin Getz12:02:30

Did you import the deps project etc?


I think it's a general problem with my cursive installation, not specific to electric. I tried just now with another macro in another project and it's also not giving me the "resolve as" option.

Dustin Getz12:02:11

try rm -rf .idea find . -type f -iname "*.iml" | xargs rm


Thanks I will try. Currently waiting for IntelliJ to downgrade to previous version to see if that fixes it.


BTW, I'm very excited about electric clojure :star-struck:, seems like a game-changer

🙂 2

Check under Preferences | Editor | Intentions | Clojure | Resolution and make sure that’s enabled.


Aha, that's it! Thank you! I must have changed that setting accidentally but I have no idea how.


Yeah, happens more often than you’d think - the little right arrow in the popup is tempting instead of pressing enter, and then it’s easy to accidentally disable it.