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a proposed fix to look up errors from parent schemas, finally:
fixes #86:
(-> [:map
[:foo {:error/message "entry-failure"} :int]]
(m/explain {:foo "1"})
(me/humanize {:resolve me/resolve-root-error-message-and-path}))
; => {:foo ["entry-failure"]}
the new hook in humanize allows custom collector, here, it just traverses the parents to look for error definitons, which will override the more exact definitions.
we could have a m/humanizer
that would prepare the humanization and would be much faster, e.g.
(def Schema
[:foo {:error/message "foo!"} :int]
[:bar {:error/message "bar!"} :int]])
(def humanize (me/humanizer Schema)
(-> Schema
(m/explain {:foo "1", :bar "1"})
; => {:foo ["foo!"], :bar ["bar!]}
Hello there. Need a little help. How do I malli/get-in with spec with registry? Suppose having the following structure
(def registry
[:id int?
:is_bot boolean?]]]]
[:from {:optional true} [:ref "users"]]
[:id int?]
[:text {:optional true} string?]
[:reply {:optional true} [:ref "messages"]]]})
And I've tried a lot of different combinations like:
(let [s (malli/schema [:schema {:registry registry} "messages"])
_ (print (malli/schema? s))]
(u/get-in s [:id]))
true;; => nil
No success.You have three mistakes:
• syntax error in registry definition (look at the telegram map)
• the registry you pass to the schema constructor is incomplete, you need to merge it with the default registry
• The path you get-in
is wrong, schema-schemas are considered part of the path and their children are at key 0.
should malli default to allowing the default registry o be swapped? e.g. strict
mode where it can’t (for those who want to be fully in control).
I think it would be better to merge the provided registry with the default registry be default. I always forget that
one option should be not to have defauts schemas, only way to get proper DCE for tiny lib size, e.g. busy frontends.
How is that measured? I never worked with cljs. Does the compiler eliminate dead code?
there is a guide how to do that (with shadow-cljs) in malli readme. In short: • unsed functions and protocol methods (and definitions) will be DCEd • multimethods and deffed values are not
this is the reason all malli registry parts are behind a function -> no-one calling it => get’s eliminated under advanced.
seems that all the malli-codebases I have worked with, have introduced a custom mutable registry…
Hi! I want to create a schema for a sequence like this
[{:type :type1
:attrs {:type1-prop 1}}
{:type :type2
:attrs {:type2-prop 2}}]
schema will be different for different object types. There’s :multi
, but the dispatch property :type
is on the parent of the object inside :attrs
Is the problem description clear, and does anyone have a good/best practice for solving this with malli?@ingesol maybe:
(require '[malli.generator :as mg])
[:multi {:dispatch :type}
[:type1 [:map
[:type [:= :type1]]
[:attrs [:map
[:type1-prop :int]]]]]
[:type2 [:map
[:type [:= :type2]]
[:attrs [:map
[:type2-prop :int]]]]]])
;({:type :type1, :attrs {:type1-prop -1}}
; {:type :type2, :attrs {:type2-prop -1}}
; {:type :type1, :attrs {:type1-prop -1}}
; {:type :type1, :attrs {:type1-prop -1}}
; {:type :type1, :attrs {:type1-prop -2}}
; {:type :type1, :attrs {:type1-prop 0}}
; {:type :type2, :attrs {:type2-prop 12}}
; {:type :type2, :attrs {:type2-prop 4}}
; {:type :type2, :attrs {:type2-prop -26}}
; {:type :type1, :attrs {:type1-prop -14}})
@ikitommi Thanks! Yes, I thought about something like that too. My maps are bigger than in this minimal example, but easy enough to create the schemas with a factory function i guess.
Newbie here... I am trying to run the base code example from the lambdaisland/regal example page My Deps.edn looks like {:deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.10.3"}
`org.clojure/core.async {:mvn/version "1.3.618"}`
`org.clojure/test.check {:mvn/version "1.1.0"}`
`lambdaisland/regal {:mvn/version "0.0.97"}`
`metosin/reitit-malli {:mvn/version "0.4.2"}}` and my clojure code is as follows (ns baseClj.core
`(:require [malli.core :as m]`
`[malli.error :as me]`
`[malli.generator :as mg]`
`[lambdaisland.regal.malli :as regal-malli]`
`;; [lambdaisland.regal :as regal]`
`;; [lambdaisland.regal.generator :as regal-gen]`
`))` and first few lines (def malli-opts {:registry {:regal regal-malli/regal-schema}})
(def form [:+ "y"])
(def schema (m/schema [:regal form] malli-opts))
(m/form schema)
my namespace definition gives me Error: "No namespace: lambdaisland.regal.malli"... but works when I remove the :as m
. Then it fails on the lambdaisland.regal.malli, and again works when :as regal-malli
is removed... Finally if fails at (def malli-opts {:registry {:regal lambdaisland.regal.malli/regal-schema}})
with the error ; Syntax error (ClassNotFoundException) compiling at (h:\Work\Clojure\baseClj\src\baseClj\core.clj:55:1).
; lambdaisland.regal.malli
. None of this makes any sense... this is just the example code. What am I missing?
I got a hint... The deps.edn include for malli was incorrect. I should have added metosin/malli {:mvn/version "0.5.1"}
. This doesn't solve the problem tho... is it dead or waiting for better times?