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Idea for lsp: show # references in lens-mode per function overload (to detect whether an overload is used at all)

💯 2

Sounds cool, that's not the first time someone suggest different reference lens presentation, @U11EL3P9U suggested something similar but more focused on tests, maybe we could have a setting for those different kind of lens

Noah Bogart18:10:17

Any reason why I'm seeing 2022-10-31T18:47:55.154Z WARN [clojure-lsp.server:43] - received unexpected request clojure/cursorInfo/log?

Noah Bogart18:10:38

$ clojure-lsp --version
clojure-lsp 2022.10.05-16.39.51
clj-kondo 2022.10.05


not really, also this command is used for debugging purposes usually


anything on server logs?

Noah Bogart18:10:31

Yeah, I expose it in coc-clojure, and at some point it stopped working so I'm trying to figure out if it was something I did or something y'all did lol


that's odd, I use it all the time during development

Noah Bogart18:10:10

clojure-lsp logs shortly after start up:

2022-10-31T18:53:03.664Z  INFO [clojure-lsp.feature.clojuredocs:23] - [Clojuredocs] Refreshing clojuredocs cache took 1115ms.
2022-10-31T18:53:08.446Z  INFO [clojure-lsp.handlers:379] - :code-lens 0ms
2022-10-31T18:53:08.459Z  INFO [clojure-lsp.handlers:385] - :resolve-code-lens 6ms
[repeated a bunch]
2022-10-31T18:53:08.541Z  INFO [clojure-lsp.handlers:385] - :resolve-code-lens 89ms
2022-10-31T18:53:14.006Z  WARN [clojure-lsp.server:43] - received unexpected request clojure/cursorInfo/log

Noah Bogart18:10:30

coc logs:

2022-10-31T14:53:02.551 INFO (pid:256201) [services] - LanguageClient Clojure Language Client state change: starting => running
2022-10-31T14:53:02.554 DEBUG (pid:256201) [sources] - created service source clojure
2022-10-31T14:53:02.563 INFO (pid:256201) [services] - service clojure started
2022-10-31T14:53:09.460 DEBUG (pid:256201) [core-documents] - buffer created 13 false file:///home/noah/work/muncher/%5BWilder%20Float%200%5D
2022-10-31T14:53:11.182 INFO (pid:256201) [attach] - receive notification: runCommand []
2022-10-31T14:53:11.198 DEBUG (pid:256201) [core-documents] - buffer created 15 false list:/commands
2022-10-31T14:53:13.966 DEBUG (pid:256201) [core-documents] - document detach 15 list:/commands
2022-10-31T14:53:13.967 DEBUG (pid:256201) [coc-clojure] - Executing 'fn' command lsp-clojure-cursor-info
2022-10-31T14:53:14.005 INFO (pid:256201) [extension:coc-clojure] - file:///home/noah/work/muncher/src/crossbeam/db.clj 22 9

Noah Bogart18:10:49

i'm logging out the uri, line, and character at the end there


uh, I know why


it's a notification, not a request


we changed recently that I think, I didn't know it could cause issues to clients


maybe coc is calling it as a request and not as a notification?

Noah Bogart18:10:50

i am calling return client.sendRequest("clojure/cursorInfo/log", { directly lol

Noah Bogart18:10:04

I'll check the docs for sending notifications. Thanks!


👍 They are pretty similar, but client won't wait for a response basically

Noah Bogart19:10:12

figured it out, thank you


Is there a way to configure the (very useful!) Create private function 'foo' action to output the args list on a new line?



(defn- foo
  [x y]
rather than
(defn- foo [x y]


ATM no, but maybe a setting would work, seems a little bit too specific though

👍 1

we should apply the formatter there. (not sure if cljfmt will do this, but we've been talking about including others).


I'm not aware of any cljfmt setting for that, but makes sense to format