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Does this looks familiar to anyone? I'm getting this error after upgrading ubuntu to 17.10: clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.sonatype.aether.util.version.GenericVersionScheme, compiling:(leiningen/voom.clj:1:1)
lein version was 2.7 and I got a similar error, then ran lein upgrade
which threw a similar exception (can't remember) and also told me that $CLASSPATH was set by accident but I checked and it was empty. After that I downloaded lein 2.8.1 manually and now I get the above error but without the classpath warning.
Never mind. My /lein/profiles.clj contained the voom plugin for historic reasons. I deleted /.lein just in case and now it works
has anyone heard of an issue with channels not working when using lein uberjar vs mvn or lein repl
usually differences like that are because something lazy was forced by a print in the repl
eg. the body of -main is in for
wait - a pom is an xml file describing maven config