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Hey. If anyone happens to know of anyone hiring (remote - unless near Gloucestershire), I’m starting to look. Spent the last 8 years in security research, but looking to go back to my software engineering and coding roots to work on software that makes a positive difference (health or similar would be great). Have previously worked at SpringSource and plenty of experience with dev in various languages - high and low level - but would love to do a pure Clojure(Script) role. Happy to talk more if you message. 🙂 Thanks!
good morning friends, and @jasonbell
@jasonbell didn't you mention last week at #clojurex that you knew of a Onyx setup with 15k machines? (or have I miss heard that)
LISTEN @thomas LISTEN, you were so bothered about heckling you missed all the detail 😉
Morning beautiful people... And @jasonbell 😉
It's hereditary. He can't help it
No need to feel sorry for him
(Worries that Jason will exact his revenge at some point in the distant future by heckling me when I'm brave enough to do a Clojure talk somewhere sometime)
“He’s making a list and checking it twice, gonna find out who’s naughty and nice, Jade is going to heckle your talk…..“ 🙂
Anyone seen Ubuntu core?
Oooh, that’s interesting @yogidevbear
@yogidevbear seems like you are submitting a talk for ClojureX 2018 then, good to hear. And I assume you will want a bit of practice, so you'll also be giving a talk at the London Clojurians monthly talk night #a-case-of-passive-aggressive-voluntelling
If anyone here has any thoughts on developing this, I’d like to hear them…. VERY ALPHA, VERY UNTESTED: