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Any TestFlight ninjas around? Is there a way to publish an alternate branch of an app? The idea would be to build regular TestFlight builds continuously from master, whereas developers can choose to push an alternate branch to a TestFlight "branch" to test things out on device.
If you use fastlane you can deploy to a specific group using fastlane pilot distribute
I do use fastlane of course
that looks good. do you have a pointer to docs?
that'd be fantastic
fastlane pilot distribute --app_platform ios --distribute_external --changelog “Bug fixes” --group “The Testflight Group”
Unfortunately I can’t call that straight from within fastlane. Maybe my Ruby fu is letting me down but I couldn’t get a straight answer after posting an issue
let me see if I understand this
so you make a separate group - say, "Canary"
whoever wants to check out Canary builds gets added to that group
when you upload, you upload via --group Canary
the build shows up only for testers in that group
is that correct?
as a tester can you distinguish Canary builds from Mainline builds in the TF app?
I actually don’t know if you can choose or if you can belong to different groups. But other than that yes. I’m no expert though.
found this:
sounds like groups are the way to go
I'm gonna give this a try
& report back
I've said it before and I'll say it again - itunes connect's UI is a disaster
looks like Groups only exist for "external testers":
not for the itunes connect users
Ok, too bad. I guess ad-hoc distributions could possibly help? Then you’d have to setup your own delivery setup though
Hm not sure
this articles is the best I could find on the recent "multiple builds" feature:
@U06F82LES A walkaround (that I wouldn't recommend) is to become an external tester on a new apple ID. You can use multiple IDs on a single devices, it's just a big hassle. I currently have 5 Apple IDs…
@U3D2K2D55 I see I'm not the only one running into this limitation
I'd be fine with getting a 2nd apple id for myself but I don't want to make all our testers, PMs etc do that
Keep in mind there are also alternative way of distributing builds. You don't have to use Test Flight. I'll be looking into Code Push literally tomorrow and let you know
Good point lists the following alternatives: CrashLytics, HockeyApp and TestFairy