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Hi there, I have nocide the following when I launch a test suite from the command line...One run does:

$ make test-unit-watch 
clojure -M:test -m kaocha.runner unit --watch
WARNING: No tests found with metadata key :stress. Ignoring --focus-meta :stress.
WARNING: No tests found with metadata key :stress. Ignoring --focus-meta :stress.

Test Plan

| :kaocha.testable/id |
|               :unit |
|             :stress |
|           :database |
|        :integration |
While a second skips the tests:
$ make test-unit-watch 
clojure -M:test -m kaocha.runner unit --watch
WARNING: No tests found with metadata key :stress. Ignoring --focus-meta :stress.
WARNING: No tests found with metadata key :stress. Ignoring --focus-meta :stress.

Test Plan

|     :kaocha.testable/type | :kaocha.testable/skip | :kaocha.testable/id |
| :kaocha.type/clojure.test |                  true |           :database |
| :kaocha.type/clojure.test |                  true |        :integration |
| :kaocha.type/clojure.test |                       |               :unit |
| :kaocha.type/clojure.test |                  true |             :stress |


cannot reproduce this consistently but the cmd line command never changes


there might be a bug with focus-meta and skip-meta... I get different behavior if I add focus-meta :unit


yeah this is very intermittent and CI is failing now every now and then