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Drew Verlee04:12:24

What one resource would you recommend for someone who is now working in java, given they previously worked in clojure?


What's your goal? Java is a massive space in terms of resources...


If, like me, you prefer learning from books, Iā€™d recommend

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Drew Verlee02:12:56

Thanks for the suggestion @UGTAV6LR2. @U04V70XH6 I'm looking for learning material that would make sense for someone with a background in doing server work in clojure, to now have to write server code in Java. I have no idea what that would look like if I'm being honest. But it's my current world so I'm trying to sort it out


@U0DJ4T5U1 Interesting. Does where you're working have a standard Java setup? Spring or something else?

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Drew Verlee03:12:22

Standard as far as i know, not spring. I'm probably just looking for an up to date intro book honestly.


Hmm, are you talking "web server" or just backend process? Do you know if they use a particular web server or servlet container?


(huge number of options available so knowing what they're already using -- or expecting you to contribute to -- will narrow the field a far bit)

Drew Verlee06:12:40

very true. The first couple things on my plate are working with aws services and doing HTTP and FTP transfers between databases. So i imagine i'm mostly going to be reading aws java docs. The book recommendation "java for the impatient" seems like a good one.


@U0DJ4T5U1 I'm still pretty deep in both worlds, so feel free to ping me with questions, etc.

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