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Nim Sadeh06:12:40

i placed the following:

(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'cider-format-buffer t t)
in various places in my init.el and prelude-clojure.el to no success


#C099W16KZ channel should provide more support for Emacs related questions

Kishor Pandey07:12:40

I am trying to do java interoperability below is the java class which has inner class class Params { public class OrderParams{ public String transactionType; } } But I am not able to create instance of OrerParams I tried to define in ($orderParams. ) Getting - No matching ctor found for class com.zerodhatech.models.Params$OrderParams I have imported the package already


I believe the java compiler adds a parameter to the constructor of non-static inner classes which is for passing in an instance of the outer class

💡 1
Kishor Pandey08:12:51

Hi @U0NCTKEV8, any suggestion on defining it ?

Kishor Pandey13:12:00

I referred your old post, Ant I am able to create instance now 🙂