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Hello everyone, my name's Abhishek. I am a undergrad student. I have experience in Java and python. I decided to explore clojure because it was something new for me, but i have been struggling in getting started with clojure. Therefore, i would gladly welcome any advice! Thank You!

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Welcome! You'll probably want to check out the #beginners channel, where there are lots of friendly folks who are very happy to answer Clojure questions! It can be challenging at first for sure! I've been a professional Clojure programmer for ~6-7 years, but I was really confused when I started, it just seemed totally alien (especially because, like you, I was coming from object-oriented languages). But it does definitely click after a while and now it seems much more natural to me than eg Python.

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The real key is getting a basic project set up and configuring your editor of choice to connect to the REPL. There are channels here for most every editor - #C0DF8R51A, #C6H9FUNET, #C099W16KZ, #C0744GXCJ being some popular ones. The easiest way to start a project quickly is #C0AB48493 with lein new my-project or neil with

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