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Noah Bogart16:12:25 a linter focused on style and code shape v1.11 - oops it's been 4.5 months since last release • Added some new rules: ◦ lint/underscore-in-namespace: Prefer (ns foo-bar) to (ns foo_bar). ◦ performance/dot-equals: Prefer (.equals "foo" bar) to (= "foo" bar). Only cares about string literals right now. ◦ performance/single-literal-merge: Prefer (assoc m :a 1 :b 2) to (merge m {:a 1 :b 2}). Has :single and :multiple styles, either a single assoc call or threaded multiple calls. ◦ performance/into-transducer: Prefer (into [] (map f) coll) to (into [] (map f coll)). Checks every clojure.core transducer. ◦ style/trivial-for: Prefer (map f items) over (for [item items] (f item)). ◦ style/reduce-str: Prefer (clojure.string/join coll) over (reduce str coll). • Changed existing rules: ◦ Set style/set-literal-as-fn default to false. It's not idiomatic and I don't know why I added it in the first place. • Added a global key to .splint.edn config, which will apply to all rules. • Support :excludes in both global and rules-specific configs. Accepts a vector of java.nio.file.FileSystems/getPathMatcher globs, or can be prefixed with glob: or regex: to specifically choose the glob syntax or regex syntax. If added to global, the files will be removed from the potential set of files to check. Follow-up in #splint

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