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Mike Chiama09:09:48

Hello! Mike here, from Kenya. I have been programming in various languages for quite some time. Some have been un-learned (e.g. asm, BASIC) leaving space for new and shiny. I have swam in ecosystems of functional or OOP depending on the time, requirement and support i.e from C to Java to Python and in-between. My first brush with Clojure was brief and accidental, the REPL and Datomic stuck with me even if we didn't end up using the technology while it was still clearly the best for the job. Fast forward a couple of years and I have a chance to get back into it. Happy to be here to interact, learn and contribute. Speaking of which I've put together a very simple WIP asdf plugin for clojure-lsp. Check it out

👋 16
lambda-prompt 2