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Lidor Cohen07:09:32

does anyone knows if there's a way to express getters on js obj in cljs?

  a: 1,
  get b() {
    return this.a + 1;

Lidor Cohen07:09:42

yes 😅 I'm trying to use descriptors right now, I just wondered about this...

Lidor Cohen07:09:08

this-as...:) thanks!

Joshua Suskalo18:09:10

Has it been considered to update the implementation of clojure.edn on cljs to support >52 bit integers by using the js/BigInt type? Attached to this is the fact that reading the string 9223372036854775807N using clojure.edn from cljs will produce an incorrect value, even though it's explicitly annotated for being an arbitrary precision integer.