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Hello! I looking at an example specified about table's in Electric. I need to learn how to sort by table cell and how to implement the pagination feature. Does anyone have a code snipped or a basic example that I can study on it? Thanks!
Sure, here's my current table function. Pagination is still a ToDo. Please be warned: I'm still an electric noob 😉
(e/defn Table [data fields !per-page search? classes &slots]
(let [!search (atom "")
search (e/watch !search)
per-page (e/watch !per-page)
!items (atom (if (empty? search) (take per-page data) (take per-page (find-data search data))))
items (e/watch !items)
!sort-order (atom {:key nil :direction nil})
sort-order (e/watch !sort-order)]
(dom/div (dom/props {:class "flex flex-wrap mx-4 my-3 gap-2 justify-start dark:text-gray-300"})
(when search?
(ui/input search (e/fn [v] (reset! !search v))
(dom/props {:type "search" :placeholder "Type to search"
:class "border dark:border-moon-700 dark:bg-moon-900 rounded-sm px-2 text-sm"})))
(when (:controls &slots)
(e/for [control-fn (:controls &slots)]
(new control-fn))))
(dom/table (dom/props {:class (:table classes)})
(dom/thead (dom/props {:class (:thead classes)})
(e/for [key (keys fields)]
(let [sortable (-> fields key :sortable)
sort-reverse? (= key (:key sort-order))
th-class (str (when sortable "hover:cursor-pointer ") " " (:th-class (key fields)) " " (:th classes))]
(println key)
(dom/props {:class th-class})
(when sortable
(dom/on "click" (e/fn [_]
(let [asc? (= "asc" (:direction sort-order))]
(reset! !items (sort-by key (if (and sort-reverse? asc?) > <) items))
(reset! !sort-order (assoc {} :key key :direction (if (and asc? sort-reverse?)
(dom/div (dom/props {:class "inline-flex no-wrap gap-1 items-center"})
(dom/span (dom/text (str (get-in fields [key :label] (name key)))))
(dom/span (dom/props {:class (cond
(not sortable) ""
(and sort-reverse? (= "asc" (:direction sort-order))) "flex i-mdi-chevron-up"
(and sort-reverse? (= "desc" (:direction sort-order))) "flex i-mdi-chevron-down"
:else "flex i-mdi-sort")})))))))
(e/for [row items]
(dom/tr (dom/props {:class (:tr classes)})
(e/for [[k v] row]
(let [fmt-key (:formatter (k fields))
fmt (if fmt-key (fmt-key formatters) identity)
td-class (str (:td classes) " " (:td-class (k fields)))]
(dom/text (fmt v))
(dom/props {:class td-class}))))))))))
we have a demo of!%57ebview, no pagination or sorting. We have other versions but none ready to demo
Hi! I'm struggling with the uber jar build. When I include GCP's secret manager API, the creation of the API client crashes at runtime with a weird error message: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class tried to access method '' ( and are in unnamed module of loader 'app')
I tried to reproduce this in a non-electric Clojure app and the uber jar is building and running fine. Maybe someone had a similar problem?
My setup looks like this...
in deps.edn
: {:mvn/version "2.27.0"}
(ns prod
(:import (
(def electric-server-config
{:host "", :port 8080, :resources-path "public"})
(defn -main [& args] ; run with `clj -M -m prod`
(when (clojure.string/blank? (System/getProperty "HYPERFIDDLE_ELECTRIC_SERVER_VERSION"))
(throw (ex-info "HYPERFIDDLE_ELECTRIC_SERVER_VERSION jvm property must be set in prod" {})))
(let [secret-client (SecretManagerServiceClient/create)])
(app.electric-server-java8-jetty9/start-server! electric-server-config))
function in src-build/build.clj:
(defn uberjar [{:keys [jar-name version optimize debug verbose]
:or {version version, optimize true, debug false, verbose false}}]
(println "Building uberjar")
(b/uber {:class-dir class-dir
:uber-file (str (or jar-name (default-jar-name {:version version})))
:basis basis
:exclude [#"(?i)^META-INF/license/.*"
#"^license/.*"] ;; avoid conflicts with same named licenses
:main 'prod}))
can you post the whole stacktrace? Preferably in a snippet (Ctrl+Shift+Enter) so it's easier to read this thread
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class tried to access method '' ( and are in unnamed module of loader 'app')
at prod$_main.invokeStatic(prod.clj:20)
at prod$_main.doInvoke(prod.clj:17)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(
at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(
at clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo(
at prod.main(Unknown Source)
thanks. I don't see any electric code in the stack trace and haven't seen a similar error to date. Maybe there's a classpath version conflict? E.g. protobuf version mismatch
if you have a working and non-working repo try to compare the versions of the libraries, maybe some dependent library's version got overridden by non-compatible one
Thanks for having a look! The electric version that doesn't work: the repro without electric: (`clj -T:build ci && java -jar target/net.clojars.s3dse/testapp-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar` ) I checked the dependency tree for different versions of protobuf, but there's only one version mentioned.
I still think this will be a protobuf version conflict, see
Sure, I used clojure -X:build uberjar :jar-name "app.jar" :version '"0.1.0"'
and java -DHYPERFIDDLE_ELECTRIC_SERVER_VERSION="0.1.0" -jar app.jar
there's all sorts of mess around that
Yep, thank you for giving it a look. I'll try to dig deeper. I just thought maybe it had to do with the build mechanics, because the exact same version does not reproduce the issue with a plain Clojure app.
yes, I can reproduce that here, although I'm getting Your default credentials were not found
in the plain repo so I can't tell 100% sure
Yes, that's just telling you that the client was created successfully and your authentication failed.
conflict is likely with clojurescript/shadow/google closure
Thanks, with that working version I was able to compare the deps tree. Secret manager 2.15.0 introduced some guava related change. I was able to fix it by pinning guava to a newer version {:mvn/version "32.1.2-jre"}
@U09FL65DK, @U09K620SG Thank you for your help!!there's a lot of discussion of the guava conflict in shadow-cljs and other slack channels - just mentioning for next time this comes up
basically i think you want to track down each dependency that transitively loads guava and exclude it for every such dependency, and then let clojurescript dictate the version (or is it shadow)