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Per Nissilä08:10:08

Hi! I have a problem with autocompletions in lsp-mode. I don't get any 😄 lsp-enable-completion-at-point is set to t. for example if i type <imported namespace>/ i don't get a list of symbols from that namespace. Update: it works if i disable and re-enable lsp-completion-mode for some reason


Maybe lsp-completion-mode is not being enabled properly when you open a buffer? Maybe try with lsp-start-plain +


Could be cider high jacking the completin fn after jack-in ?

Per Nissilä11:10:48

@U050SC7SV yes, that seems to be the problem. It works before i do jack-in

Per Nissilä11:10:34

No idea how to fix it 😄


You can choose to disable cider for completion, removing it from completion functions. I don’t this on my config


(add-hook 'cider-mode-hook (lambda () (remove-hook 'completion-at-point-functions #'cider-complete-at-point t)))