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Per Nissilä09:10:56

Hi! I have a problem with autocompletions in lsp-mode. I don't get any 😄 lsp-enable-completion-at-point is set to t. for example if i type <imported namespace>/ i don't get a list of symbols from that namespace. it works if i disable and re-enable lsp-completion-mode for some reason, but only in the current buffer. Any ideas?


Do you use Cider? Then you get autocomplete by evaling the ns. It works by ns introspection, not by static code analysis

Per Nissilä11:10:23

i use cider but i want to use clojure lsp as my autocompletion. It works before jacking in but then cider seems to ruin the autocompletion


Ah misread, lsp-mode i see. Sorry don't know.