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We’re planning a Fulcro Workshop sometime next year. I would be interested in knowing if there is interest, and if so what you’d like to see in such a thing.

❤️ 18

Without giving it a whole lot of thought so far, I'd like to learn more about extending Fulcro and RAD when its default operation doesn't exactly match what we need. It seems like such extensibility is a big part of the philosophy here and it's often mentioned as advice, but there isn't much content specifically talking about the best ways to go about doing so. I understand that it's basically "add your own code" 🙂 but maybe there is some craft about the right approaches, best places for modification, strategies for integration, etc.? Thank you for all your work, @U0CKQ19AQ.

👍 5
Jakub Holý (HolyJak)15:11:51

There was lot of interest in my Fulcro workshop so I believe the answer is yes


I am a Fulcro noob. Please bring it on! Very interested.

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)08:11:34

FYI I have this that you can also do on your own


and mine will be paid, pricing to be determined. So, it would be nice if anyone wanted to chime in on what they would feel is a fair price, say, for a four-hour workshop (or 2 2-hour…not sure on the best format/timing).

Joe R. Smith22:11:28

I'd prefer longer

Joe R. Smith22:11:41

2 4 hour workshops, maybe. 🙂

Joe R. Smith22:11:58

worth a couple hundred to me


Is there an “integrate many idents” helper? I rolled my own but just wondering…


See com.fulcrologic.fulcro.algorithms.normalized-state ns


I don’t think there is one for doing many, but there is one for doing one at a time, which can easily be adapted.


There are also some GC helpers, etc.


Yep I adapted the existing one. I need to check out the GC stuff. Haven’t tried it out yet.