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Jared Langson22:11:12

Is there a way do this, but in a way that has shrinkage? I want to pull a random character from a random string and then do stuff. The random string is made from a generator. Is there a way to move the random character into the prop/for-all?

(defspec split-functionality-test
  (prop/for-all [s (gen/not-empty gen/string-alphanumeric)]
    (let [split-on (rand-nth s)                          ;can this be done in the for-all binding?
          pattern (re-pattern (str split-on))]
      (= (cp-str/split s pattern) (str/split s pattern)))))


it is complicated


you can, but the way to do it may make shrinking worse


I would try something like

(defspec split-functionality-test
  (prop/for-all [i gen/nat
                 s (gen/not-empty gen/string-alphanumeric)]
                (let [split-on (nth s (mod i (count s)))                         
                      pattern (re-pattern (str split-on))]
                  (= (cp-str/split s pattern) (str/split s pattern)))))

👍 1
Alex Miller (Clojure team)22:11:10

sometimes it's helpful to build up the things you need rather than draw from one random thing

Alex Miller (Clojure team)22:11:24

yeah, that's a decent way


potentially moving the order of i and s if it isn't shrinking well (I forget which way test.check throws away shrinking when composing with bind)

Jared Langson23:11:30

The other problem with my way is that because split-on is inside let, I don't know the value of split-on when the test fails. So even if the shrinkage is worse, moving split-on to the prop/for-all could be a good tradeoff


in theory the ideal would be something like

(defspec split-functionality-test
  (prop/for-all [s (gen/not-empty gen/string-alphanumeric)
                 i (gen/choose 0 (count s))]
                (let [split-on (nth s (mod i (count s)))
                      pattern (re-pattern (str split-on))]
                  (= (cp-str/split s pattern) (str/split s pattern)))))


so you only generate numbers from 0 to size of string, and those generated numbers also predictably shrink (throwing the mod in there can make things weird when shrinking)


but this is sort of like (gen/bind ..gen for s... (fn [s] .. gen for i ...))


and when you compose things with bind like that in test.check(and anything modeled after the original quickcheck) you lose shrinking information for one or the other, and I forget which choice test.check makes

Jared Langson23:11:59

When I ran your second version it complained about i (gen/choose 0 (count s))]. Said "Unable to resolve symbol: s in this context"


oh, good, I guess test.check's for-all is optimized to get around the issue I mentioned, but as a result the generators cannot refer to each other


not optimized so the issue isn't there, but optimized to try and avoid it


for-all* is the one that would let you I think


huh, for some reason I thought for-all turned into a bind


I guess the second isn't directly expressible using for-all


I was looking at an old version of the code from before > When there are multiple binding pairs, the earlier pairs are not > visible to the later pairs. was added to the docstring for for-all

hiredman23:11:49 is what I am thinking of that allows for the dependencies between generators

Jared Langson23:11:03

Are there pitfalls/gotchas with using gen/let?


the above mentioned lose of shrinkage, which is