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Setting aside the present 'bug', maybe I could save wheel-spinning on this (hobby) project, by describing the most complex bit and asking: how would you map this onto Fulcro[-rad] functionality? (or: would you?) Basically, I want an org-mode-like outlining experience, but where any given 'node' could be 'owned' by someone else. If I edit your document, I get my own copy-on-write version with shared structure; if you edit a part I haven't, it changes in my 'copy'. There's a lot more to it, or I'd use something existing (like LogSeq), but that's the part that I'm struggling with most, since I mostly work on back-end stuff (this century anyway). I'd like the client to be 'aware' of the underlying structure/ownership, but for the editing experience to be 'normal' - ie, you can just manipulate the outline like text. Prosemirror seems to provide most of what I'd need for that, by tracking changes within and across text-containing entities, but again, that's just part of the application, and Fulcro matches the rest of it nicely. So, if anyone is familiar with prosemirror or wysiwyg-editing in general: how would you incorporate such a thing with Fulcro[-rad]?